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Alexis P.O.V:

I heard a quiet bell. It just sounded like change-over so i ignored it. I sat their as still as possible and waited for the crowd of children to rush down the stairs. The door opened  and hundreds of kids started to scream, except their screams didn't sound normal, they sounded like they were afraid. I crawled over to where i could see the children running. The teachers were shouting but the screams over powered their voices. I stayed hidden and didnt make a sound. I knew that if i even moved the slightest they would spot me and i'd be in major trouble. I saw Lizzie and tried to make her notice me. She turned her head around but didnt see me.

Lizzie P.O.V:

As i hurried down the stairs, i felt as if something was wrong. I tried to ignore it but the feeling wouldn't go away. I walked out of the building and ran into my line. The year thirteens walked up along each classes lines and took the registers, while our teachers made sure that no one was in the building. Hunter walked along my line, calling out our names. 

"Lizzie Richards?" He called out.

"HERE!" I yelled, not realising i had started to blush.

Hunter walked up to me.

"Your the girl from my old school" he said smiling at me.

"Yeah, Hunter right? Your the one who won at all those football competitons." i laughed acting like i didn't know him.

"Yep i'm Hunter, i need to finish taking the register so see you around Ponytail." he said before walking away.

I squeeled in enjoyment. Hunter finally recognised me, for the first time. 

Out of the corner of my eye, i saw Conner sprinting towards me.

"LIZZIE, LIZZIE!" he screamed.

"Yeah" i said, while raising my eyebrow.

"ALEXIS IS IN THE BUILDING, SHE TEXTED ME LOOK!" he panted while shoving the screen in my face.

"You need to tell a teacher" i whispered into his ear.

"I can't, she said she'll get into trouble" he yelled.

"Alright, keep your voice down" i said signalling him to stay quiet.

"I have to go in there and get her" he said while running over too the door.

Conner P.O.V:

I didn't give Lizzie anytime to answer, as i knew she would try to stop me. As i ran inside the now filled with smoke building, i could hear the teachers calling back to me. 

"Come here boy!" they shouted.

I didn't want to listen to them. Alexis had been my friend for the longest of time, and now she was my girlfriend. I wasn't about to let 17 years of friendship go to waste. I ran up too the top of the stairs right next to where the chains that blocked the roof of were.

"Alexis!" I called out.

I didn't hear any reply.

"Lexi?"I called out, once again.

I didnt hear any noise so went under the chains to look for her. I saw her laying on the floor not moving. More and more smoke kept filling the air. The floor started to feel hot too the touch. I shook Alexis back and forth too try and wake her up. There was still no movement. I lifted her up and started to carry her back down. When i got too second floor,i couldn't go down anymore. All i could see were bright orange and yellow flames. I went to go and try the second staircase. I had too cover my mouth with my shirt because the air was completely filled with smoke. The second staircase had beeen blocked by the fire too. I went too the fire exit door which lead to the outdoor staircase. It felt as if i was carrying 20 boxes of eggs trying not to break them. Alexis wasnt really heavy, but the stairs were narrow and if i dropped her she would have broken all her bones at once. When my feet finally touched the tarmack i felt really happy. 

Many emergency people swarmed around me and grabbed Alexis out of my arms. They were using all these weird words i couldnt understand. I could only make out some words they were saying until one doctor said 'Smoke inhalation'. I ran up too them looking at Alexis's lifeless body. I saw one nurse start to do CPR. I saw Alexis take a breath and then i relaxed. The doctors took her into the amubulance and drove off. I stood their still in shock of what had just happened. One police officer shook my hand and smiled at me. I coughed and wheezed while trying to smile back. Their was a huge ash cloud surrounding the school. One teacher yelled at us to move away from the building. We all followed her directions and walked back towards the field. Suddenly we heard a bang and the building lit up in bright orange flames.  Some kids quickly dialled for 999 while others ran over to the school gate.

Lizzie rushed over too me and grabbed my arm.

"WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW" she yelled while tugging on me.

"OKAY OKAY" i said.

She dragged me out the school gates.

Lizzie P.O.V:

"What do you thinks going to happen to the school?" i said sighing.

"I'm not exactly sure, they might send us to a new one" he grumbled.

There was an akward pause.

"I...liked this school" i whispered.

"We all had great times here..." 

"I know..."

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