Christophers POV

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"Arabella! Get in here and eat! Bea is already here and ready for school, how long can it possibly take to pu----" I'm cut off byt Bella walking out and saying

"Calm yourself, I'm ready!" Shes in a short black mini skirt, a tanktop, and barley covering anything. She Imediantly greets Bea with a hug and starts talking about some boy from school.

Im currently dating Bea and She and Bella are best friends.

"Im sorry I didnt know you were going to a strip bar, i thought we were going to school." I say sarcasticlly.

"Oh yeah I forgot something," She says running back to her room

"Yeah like pants!" I shout "Mom and Dad dropped Maggie and Logan off at school already."

"I forgot my leather jacket thank you very much!" She says "Gosh, Your just like moms brother Caleb, whenever she tells me about him its like shes describing you!"

"Well Maybe its and older brother instincts." I tell her matter of factly!

"Older by what? 18 minutes? Atleast my boyfriend solder than me!" She shoots back.

I scoff and roll my eyes, "Yup 18 minutes older, i still came out first!"

"GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP AND LETS GET GOING!" Bea shouts. "Bella belly lets go, stop arguing with him."

They link arms and start to walk out to the train.

I hear some of their conversations It goes kinda like

"But hes always telling me what too do!" Bella tells Bea

"Its okay girl you know how he is. He acts like he's older than me. We all know im six months older." Bea tells her making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah. So In a year and a half we have our choosing ceromony, we should choose the same faction." Bella announces.

"Are you choosing Dauntless?" Bea ask her.

"Duh, I dont do grey robes, Amity are just plain out annoying, Candor, Who likes fizzy drinks. And No one wants to be a know it all. Im good here in black with my dauntless cake." Bella says happily.

"Then we will never be seperated. Inseperable forever! Just like mommy and Aunt tris. Even though they ame from abnegation and Candor, I wouldnt be surprised if they knew each other before."

"Can I ask you something?" Bella ask Bea.

"Yeah duh!" Bea says obviously.

"Say I chose dauntless but Chris chose something else, would you choose him over me? I know you love him. I mean you have been dating since you were like five." Bella says catching my ear.

"I woul---" Bea is cut off by the train. I wanted, no i needed to know th eanswer. What if she chose her. I mean Im obviously choosing dauntless, but seriously, I need to know.

We all jump on and Bella says see yah later to Bea and goes up to some guy wrapping her lags around his waist and they start to make out. Thats well not something I want ot see my sister do.

"You know its not nice to stare." Says Bea making me turn to her and smile

"Shes my sister, you understamd Im worried." I say calmly.

"Yes, she like my sister too, We've know one another since birth literally, My mom has video footage of us indiapers together, We were all destined for each other." SHe says wrapping her arms around my neck, and i wrap mine around her waist.

"That is somehting aunt Chrissy owuld have too." I say leaning down to peak her. "Would you?" I questions

"Would I what?" She ask confused.

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