Arabella's POV.

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I left my room so Bea and Chris could have some privacy. I followed my parents and helped put all the kids to bed. Christina and Will are in the living room with them now. I stand out of sight and hear the rest of the convo from them.

"I don't know what were going to do. Did you know they were going?" My mom ask Cristina who  nods. "And you let them."

"Lighten up Tris, its not like I've never dragged you to a party!" She defends.

"Not until I was sixteen!" She defends

"That's because you were abnegation! Dauntless have under age parties and so do most of the factions, you guys are just too self reserved!" She argues back.

"Well she went and got pregnant! I'm going to help her but still!" My mom says and my breath hitches. I sea Christina take a breath.

"I love you Tris, and I love your daughter if I knew this was going to happen I would have stopped them. Arabella does everything she can to prove to you that she's an amazing girl. She was a virgin till she was rapped I bet you didn't know that! You probably wouldn't remember her birthday if it wasn't the same as Christopher's. She used to 'date' all those boys so she could get attention. I don't know when you changed  and started to ignore her, but just pay attention. Because you may have more kids, but you only get one her." She blows up and Will has to hold her back while my mom has a moment of realization.

"You're right." She cries in a whisper and my dad comes up behind her hugging her. "I've ignored her. I'm a horrible person." Her knees buckle under her and she falls to the ground crying. "It's my fault." I exit the hall way and hug her giving my dad a look saying 'I got this' he nods and backs up.

"You're not a horrible person, and it's not your fault. I decided to go.. I love you mom." She hugs back once she realizes its me and cries. "Mom its okay really. Daddy, take mom to bed? I need to talk to Aunt Chris and Will." He helps her up and she's calmed down taking her to the room.

"Yes sweet pea?" Christina ask.

"It may not be my moms fault, but it is mine I dragged Bea to the party. I'm really sorry this had to happen to her too." I whisper. She hugs me.

"Its okay, you're still welcome whenever," Will says with a nod.

"Thank you." I say hugging him. Bea comes out crying, and she never cries. "Bes what's wrong!" I go over to her quickly wrapping my arms around her.

"Chris, he broke up with me. He was so mean about it. I told him it wasn't my fault and he blew it off. He just needs time to cool down I hope." She gulps. "Bells I love him. I love him so fucking much." She cries.

"Honey, Go home and sleep. Ill talk to him and he'll be begging for forgiveness tomorrow." I tell her soothingly. "Christina little help? She's hysterical." she nods and takes Bea who's keeps mumbling 'I love him.' under her breath.

I barge into Christopher's room and he looks over at me and rolls his eyes. 

"What do you want I'm not in the mood." He mumbles.

"Why the fuck did you break up with Bea!" I demand.

"I just needed a break." He says.

"When she's her most valuable! You're such an ass! You should be there for her she was raped!" Nothing seems to be clicking for him as he stares at me blankly. "Christopher. I'm going to say this nice and slow. Bea loves love. He entire world revolves around you. She was raped, that doesn't change anything. Sure she's pregnant but there's nothing we can do about that. I'm sorry it happened, if you want to be mad at someone it should be me. Okay." His face turns into confusion then realization and finally regret. "Good boy. You'll see her at school tomorrow apologize and ask for her back.

"What if I fucked it all up, I was mean Arey" He frowns..(pronounced like Airy)

"Oh I know she'll forgive you. Just do it." He nods and Okay.

I go back into my room. I guess I'm done with tears and speechlessness and back to my bitchy self instead of self sorrow. I'm going to find these assholes and  stick a chainsaw up their ass.

I'm finally exhausted and decide to go to bed. I start revenge tomorrow.

AN: Vote whos POV next chapter.

A) Bea

B) Bella

C) Chris

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