Heh, nice.

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Tom glared eerily at the mountain where Adelina crashed, his face went serious and frowned. He cared about her, but she put herself in this position. Tord looked at him and pretended not to notice because Adelina used to look up to him, putting her in this position, slowly making her insane. You took a deep breath, pitying Tom. You stared at him wide eyed. "You cared about her?" You asked in a concerned tone. "She was family, y/n." He said with a blank stare at the mountains. You held your breath. "You wanna go up there?" You said, tapping your foot eagerly. Tom then adjusted his eyes onto you, taking in your suggestion. Tom stood silent. Something was on his mind. "I could go with you, I feel just as bad because of what I said.." You empathize. "Y/n she made you do that. She's antagonistic and cold. If she had any self control she wouldn't have gone through what she did." Miranda adds. You could hear the pain in her voice. Patryk and Paul stared solemnly at you. You take a deep breath. "Miranda if anything, you should come with us. She was your best friend." You mumble in awe. Miranda grounded her teeth and crossing her arms. You grab Tom's hand and lead him up the mountain. "We better hurry.. She's losing a lot of blood." You say tugging him. Tom was determined to see her, to he picked up his feet and ran. "H-Hey!" You try catching up to him. Tom then swooped you up and carried you bridal style up the hill. You couldn't run because the wrap kept digging into your wounds.


You guys finally get up and Adelina is staring up at the sun, letting her wounds burn in the light. Tom dropped you slowly at the sight of her shocking him. Adelina's blood seeped all around her, almost looking like an oil spill. She was mumbling and had small twitches. Tom kicked the rubble and dirt from around her, you helped him, taking the extra wrap around your neck off slowly. Adelina was gasping for air as blood seeped down her torn face. Tom kicked some rubble from the side of her for space and you knelt down beside her. "I know you don't like me.." You say picking up her head gently. You turn around to Tom. "Do you have any water?" You asked in a concerned tone. Tom nodded softly and dug in his blue sweater pocket, handing you half a water bottle. "Thanks." You thank him gratefully. You held her head up still and slowly cleaned her torn face, blowing on it so it doesn't go on hot because it's been sitting in Tom's sweater all day. You then took the wrap and went along her head, covering half of the left side of her face. Wrapping it gently but secure. You took extra wrap from your two knuckles and washed her arm, wrapping the two strips on her arm so she doesn't bleed out. You then get up and wipe your hands. Tom smiles gratefully and picks Adelina up. You spot something shiny and you walk over to it, kicking the rubble and picking it up quickly. The dust made you cough and you fanned it away, brushing off the dust. "Tord's hat!" You smile, putting it on. Tom was waiting for you and you catch up with him, all 3 of you walk down the mountain carefully.

-another timeskip-

Everyone's sitting on the stoop of Tord's house, waiting for your return. Miranda spots you 3 and points. "I see them!" She says hopping up and running up to you guys and everyone else not far behind her. She finally gets to you guys and she smiles at you, turning to Tom with Adelina in his arms. "Hm." She grunted as her smile faded. Tord glares at you with his hat. "Awww you got it back!" He said smiling. You smiled and took it off, handing it to him. He hugged it and put it on. "Thank you." He smiled. You blush a baby pink and he cups your face with his hands, smushing your cheeks. "She didn't hurt you, did she?" He asked solemnly. "N-No Tord, I'm fine." You say trying to speak. He grins and blushes at your answer and kisses you. You blush and you break the kiss. Tord rolls his eyes and you giggle. "Hey, hey, hey what's so funny-" He said grabbing your waist and pulling you in for another kiss. "Mmph!" You moan in shock. He laughed at your moan and took over you. "Ugh get a room.." Miranda and Tom groan at the same time. They both looked at eachother and blushed a baby pink. "Niiiice~" They both said fist bumping eachother. "Now what are we gunna do?" Matt asks tapping his foot impulsively. "Uhhhhhhhh." Edd said guessing. "Oh! Arcade?" Edd suggests opening a cola. "Yay! Arcade!" Matt cheered. "Sounds good.." Paul and Patryk nodded. "Yeah I'll come!" Miranda said skipping with her black hair in the wind next to Edd. "You coming, Tom?" Edd asks. "Uhhh." Tom said adjusting his holding position on Adelina. "I got it!" You say smiling. Tord rolled his eyes. "You sure?" Tom asked cautiously. "Yeah!" you said getting on your tippy toes to grab her. "All right now, be careful.." Tom said drinking from his flask. He slowly gives her to you and you hold her bridal style. "Are you two coming?" Edd asked you and Tord. "Uhhh I-" Before you could finish, Tord interrupts you. "Nah we're gunna chill at my place~" He said nudging you seductively. "Hehehuhhhh.." You laughed nervously. "Okay then.." Edd replied. They all turned around and walked down the sidewalk to the arcade. "Seriously, what is up with those two wanting to fuck all the time.." Miranda laughed. "I HEARD THAT RETARD." Tord yelled. The group started to laugh as Miranda got on Tom's back for a piggyback ride. Tord rushed to the door and opened it. "After you, my beautiful~" He grinned chivalrous. "Yeah yeah whatever." You say brushing past him. Oy vey..

Can't sleep, Love~  [Tord X Reader Lemon]Where stories live. Discover now