3 weeks - Zayn

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I was lying down alone under a tree with my eyes closed right in the middle of the campus, all of the students in class while I was waiting for the school to end when I felt a body crash on top of me. “Ow!” I yelped, “Get off me you, idiot.” Without opening my eyes, I knew it was my best friend, Zayn. His scent gave him away. I pushed him off me, not even bothering to open my eyes. I felt his gaze but I couldn’t be bothered, I was too tired to even acknowledge his presence. Even though I can’t see his face I knew he had that stupid lopsided grin on his face. Seriously, tho.. Somebody has to teach that idiot how to smile. “You know that I love you right?” He said, this time I opened my eyes. “Yes, I know.” “Good. Aren’t you gonna say it back? Because the polite thing to do is say I love you back when somebody-“ “Oh, give it a rest.” I mentally rolled my eyes, he laughed. “You know I love you, Zed.” Zed.. that’s what I call him. Zayn Jawaad (ZEyn-jawaaD) We’ve been best friends since diapers. When we were 6, we went Christmas shopping and our parents told us to hold each others hand.. That way we won’t lose each other. And now, when we’re out, people think we’re dating just because we still hold hands in public. We don’t even notice it.. We both lay down there without speaking to each other. Just enjoying the silence, both waiting for the bell to ring. Zayn’s perfect.. I can’t say I don’t have feelings for him, because I do. I just can’t tell him that.. I wouldn’t wanna ruin our friendship. “I want you to know…” He began, “I love you. No matter what happens, okay? You’re the bestest best friend ever. Just remember that, okay? I love you.” I glanced at him and was surprised to see that he was already looking at me. There was something in his eyes, I couldn’t really tell what but something was up. I shrugged it off, ” I know, Zed. I love you.” I smiled at him. so much..
It’s been two weeks since the last time I talked to Zayn. Since the last time we said I love you to each other under that tree. We even carved our names on it.. but after that, he changed. We usually sit at lunch together.. not anymore. He won’t even answer my calls or texts. I posted on his facebook but he deleted it. I even asked his other mates what’s up, Harry told me about him joining a frat but he wasn’t sure.. that’s how I ended up here in front of his house. I was about to knock on the door when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. So he was out.. pr*ck. I smiled at him but he immediately turned to go to the other direction when he saw me. I frowned, what’s up with him? Without thinking, I ran after him, he didn’t seem to notice until I grabbed him by the arm. “Zayn!” “What!” He snapped, turning to face me. “What do you want?!” “I – I just, Z-” I stuttered, trying to find the right words. “What?!” He snapped again, yanking his arms away from me. “I heard you joined Gavin’s frat.. Zayn, you know he’s a sick man! You could get hurt! H*ll, ya might even die! Why the h*ll would you-” He cut me off.. “Look, I can do whatever the h*ll I want! Who do you think you are? You’re not my mom.. You’re not even my girlfriend! Just f**k off, will you?!” His eyes were trying to tell me something.. I couldn’t talk, though. I Just stood there, speechless for about five seconds. Trying to process what he just said. “You’re wasting my time.” With that, he left. Leaving me completely stunned.
3 Days later..
After that encounter with Zayn, I forced myself to just move on.. but I couldn’t. This might sound completely cheesy but he’s my other half. He’s the reason to breathe.. he’s the one who stopped me from killing myself when my Dad died. He’s the only one who can make me laugh my heart out when I was supposed to be crying. Zayn … my first love. I miss that idiot. I felt my phone buzzing under my pillow, I groaned rather loudly while I fished it out, immediately checking who the h*ll would text me at.. 12:26 am! Harry? ‘Something happened to Zayn. We’re at the hospital.. get here, quick!’ My breathing became heavy.. It took me 15 minutes to get to the hospital. My vision was blurry.. tears just won’t stop falling. I rushed inside, shoving everyone out of my way. Not even bothering to apologize. People gave me dirty looks but I couldn’t careless. I saw Harry with tears in his eyes, “What happened?!” I cried, Harry just shook his head.. crying. I felt this horrible twist in my stomach, I looked around and saw Trisha on the floor with her daughters, they were all crying. “What happened?! Where is he?!” I asked her, she couldn’t even talk so instead she pointed at a white door. I shoved everyone out of the way and opened the door to see his lifeless body lying there. Tears streamed down my face as I walked closer to him. I touched his hand and broke down, once again. “Zayn.. Wake up, you idiot! You stupid, d**khead.. this is not funny at all.” I cried, shaking him. “Wake the f**k up!” I cried, “ZAYN JAWAAD MALIK! You wake up right this instance!” I shook him violently, desperate for him to wake up. I felt a hand on my shoulder, It was Harry. “Why won’t he wake up?!” I cried, “Why the h*ll won’t he wake the f**k up Harry?!” He wrapped his arms around my body, trying to calm me but it wasn’t working. The comfort just made me cry even harder. “He’s gone.. I’m sorry.” He sniffed, rubbing circles on my back. “NO!” I screamed, pushing him away from me. “NO!” I cried, “why…” “We found a text on his phone. It was addressed to Gavin.. here” I read the text to myself. ‘Gavin, I avoided her for almost 3 weeks now, I joined your frat, I even told her words that I would never say to anyone.. Please do not touch my best friend, don’t hurt her. I’ll do anything you want. I love her, please leave her alone.’ No matter how hard I tried to stop, tears just kept flowing.. I drove away from the hospital and went to a place where nobody could find me. With one thing on my mind. I can’t live without my other half.. “We’ll be together again, idiot.” I whispered.. and drove off a cliff.

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