Memories - Harry

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It’s Saturday, June 13th, 2021. You’re cleaning out your closet when you come across a shoebox that appears years old. You walk out of the closet, box in hand. You sit on your bed and open the box. The smell of sweet cologne fills the box. The smell is so familiar. You pick up a neatly folded ‘Ramones’ shirt and hold it up to your face. Your eyes are closed as you smell the shirt. Memories fill your head. Images of you and Harry flood through.

The summer of 2012, you two met at his band’s signing in your town. He looked into your eyes with depth, more depth than you’ve ever seen him have before. He had asked you to stay until the end when he asked you out. You two spent every minute together. When he went on tour, you were invited along. When you couldn’t be together, your love grew stronger from the separation. He knew everything about you and you knew everything about him. Summer nights that you guys had together you would spend outside on a blanket staring at the stars. Rainy days he would force you outside to have kisses in the rain. Days out in public, you guys would break the rules and cause trouble. Magazines would have pictures of you two all the time. While at concerts, you would fangirl just like anybody else. You were Harry’s biggest fan, but what you didn’t know was that Harry was your biggest fan. He loved you more than you could ever imagine.

One summer, you got an offer to study abroad. This was your biggest dream and it finally came true. When you told Harry, he almost broke down. You told him that it wouldn’t change anything, it just meant that you wouldn’t see him very often during the summer. You told him not to worry. He realized he had to let you do what you wanted and let you go.

During the summer abroad you had a week off and decided to surprise Harry by going to visit him. Eleanor had said she would let you stay with her so after dropping your stuff at her place, you made your way to Harry’s. You walked up the walkway and got to the door. Through the walls you could hear a girl giggling. Suddenly, you felt a giant weight drop in your stomach. Your heart pounded a little faster as you raised your fist to the door. The girl was giggling a little louder. You knocked. “Harry, someone’s at the door. I’m getting it!" The girl yelled.

"No, I’ll get it." Harry yelled back.

"Too late, I’m already here." The girl yelled back as she opened the door. A gorgeous girl stood there in front of you, with a button-up shirt, of Harry’s, on. “May I help you?" The girl said with such attitude. You just stare as you try to hold tears back. “You have permission to speak. Unless you’re a fan that wants to see Harry. If that’s the case, you’ll need to leave." She glared.

"Uh-I-I-um." You stutter.

"Who’s there?" You hear Harry from behind. Harry walks to the door with just his boxers on. When he sees you, a look of guilt appears on his face. "[Y/N]. Wha-what are you doing here?" Harry says. The tears you were keeping back poured out. You turned around and ran. You blocked out everything and just ran. You hear your name being yelled, but you ignore it. A strong hand grabs your arm.

"Let me go, Harry. Just let me go. Let me go like you’ve done already." You scream. Harry’s face is full of sadness.

"Please let me explain—" Harry begins.

"I don’t want to hear this. I don’t want to hear how you were lonely or how it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t want to hear a stupid apology. Nothing you do will ever make me forgive you, Harry. Nothing." You cry. Harry begins to tear up. He tries to take your hand. “Don’t touch me. Just don’t. Please, Harry." You say.

"I didn’t mean to hurt you." Harry says. When he said this, more tears flowed from your eyes. Harry wipes them away and you let him just because you can’t resist his touch. He pulls your face to his and gives you a long kiss. When you pull away, you look at him.

"I’m sorry, Harry. I can’t." You say as a tear falls down your cheek. You walk away.

That was the last time you saw him. Half-naked with another girl.

The box laying on your bed was filled with apology letters. He sent one every week for two years. After realizing that he wasn’t getting you back or your forgiveness, he gave up. You begin to tear up as you pull out a newspaper article from summer 2015. The headline read, “Band member, Harry Styles Dies in Fatal Car Accident." As you read the article, the tears fall down your cheek. You can’t read any further. You throw the box off the bed and sit in the corner and cry. All you can think about is how in love you two were, how inseparable you two used to be. He was going to propose and you guys had your whole future planned out. You blamed his mistakes on yourself. The years that had gone by, you loved Harry even more. You were and always will be his biggest fan.

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