The snowman - Louis

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Julie stood there alone and stared at the large snowman in front of her. With a cheery coal smile, and marble eyes that glinted slightly in the Winter sun, it looked so happy. Julie hated it for that. How could it be happy at a time like this? Julie let her eyes flicker down to the space between the eyes and mouth-a space the perfect size for a nose. She felt tears well up in her eyes-this was all her fault.

“Oh my gosh!” Julie had screamed, as she looked out the window that same morning.

“Lou, wake up!” she ran over and jumped on her boyfriend, pulling the duvet covers away from him. “It’s snowing, it’s snowing!”

Louis rubbed his eyes and smiled at his excited girlfriend in front of him.

“Come on, get up, let’s go play!” she had said, bouncing up and down on the bed.

“Okay, okay,” he grinned. “I’ll race you.”

Ten minutes later and the couple were outside, chucking snow at each other making footprints. Julie knelt down and started to roll some of it into a ball.

Louis laughed. “What the heck are you doing?”

“Building a snowman,” she squealed. Louis watched the joy in her eyes as she shuffled through the snow. She gestured for him to join her and he laughed, dropping down onto the ground.

After a few hours, the couple’s snowman was almost finished-eyes and mouth pushed into its head. Julie had ran inside to get a spare hat and scarf for it, and placed them carefully on the white figure.

“It’s missing one thing,” Julie said as they stepped back to admire their work.

“And what’s that?” Louis asked, as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend from behind, putting his head on her shoulder.

“A nose.” She grinned. “Do we have any carrots in the house?”

The young man shook his head. “We used them all for dinner last night.”

Julie sighed, then looked up at him hopefully. “You could go and get some.”

Louis laughed. “You’re joking? There’s a blizzard-all the roads’ll be closed!”

“You’ll find a way! Please Lou!” she pleaded.

“Fine,” he sighed defeated. He watched as her face lit up and she squealed. Louis loved nothing more than seeing Julie happy. They’d first met five years ago when Julie had interviewed One Direction as a student journalist. Louis still remembered her asking him a question about his love for carrots, and since then that had been an inside joke between the two of them.

“Yay, thank you!” she said, hugging him. “I’ll make you a hot chocolate for when you come back,”

He never came back. Julie sniffed and looked down at the now cold ‘hot’ chocolate, shaping her hands round the mug. She couldn’t believe this-it didn’t happen in real life. Louis had been driving back from the shop when the car had skidded and flipped over. He was gone. All because she wanted a nose for their stupid snowman. She hated the snowman-the only thing stopping her from kicking it down was that she and Louis had made it together. It was made with happiness and love, and she wasn’t ready to let that go yet. She knew by next morning it would be gone, and then she would have nothing left. She looked up at the large, white figure. Then, surprising herself, she dropped the mug , letting the brown liquid soak down into the snow. She walked over to the snowman, and wrapped her arms around it, hugging it. She felt a tear roll down her cheek and whispered-

“I love you Louis.”

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