Where did she go?

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Lauren's POV

"Stop Camz!"

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw the love of my life run away from me.

I think I was full on sobbing, and the girls were all hugging me.

"Lauren, it'll be ok. We will find her." Ally said, still holding me in her embrace.

"Camila ran away from all of us, Lauren, not just you." Normani spoke softly.

"What if she hates me?"

"Lauren, honey, she doesn't hate you. She just needs a little space right now. We will find her, because she needs to come back, but she doesn't hate you. She hates what happened." Ally comforted me.

"I just," I sniffed again. "I just love her, and if anything happens to her I will hate myself, because I could have prevented this."

"How could you have prevented Mila from being sexually assaulted?" Dinah looked at me.

"I could have... gotten to her faster... I could have knocked the door down with my bare hands and kicked him in his microscopic genitalia..."

Dinah choked from trying not to laugh.

I looked at her seriously.

"Oh... sorry for laughing but... microscopic genitalia." She snorted again.

"You're gonna laugh? I didn't think you would know what that means, Dinah."

She looked down.

"Lauren, this is not your fault. The only person who is responsible for rape, is simply the rapist himself." Ally looked at me sincerely and held my hands.

"I know, I just feel like I could have protected her better." Ally hugged me.

"We should worry about this later guys, we need to focus on finding her first. To the van!" Normani bulleted, in heels, to the van.

"Mani! Wait for us!" Dinah yelled and then sped towards the bus, along with Ally and I.

Once we were in the bus, they all crowded around me and Dinah spoke.

"Let's find Mila."

Don't hate me for this please :)

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