Chapter II: Going Back from Far (Angelica)

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     Guard Joey indeed was lucky to win. If it wasn’t for that risky thing that he did… he wouldn’t have won it. It was like taking a candy from a baby… gosh I hate losing more than everything… I would have burned him with my Flame Spark but that then I don’t want to cause any trouble. Maybe next time I’ll find him and then burn him. It happened earlier that day… he went in the House of Deals… four of us holding two cards in a game of poker. It looks like that the girl sitting from the left was winning everything.

Chapter II: Going Back from Far (Angelica)

She has a short violet-hair, white skinned, beautiful blue eyes, has a mole under her left eye, beautiful and slimmer body, and very… very… extremely… beautiful. She was wearing sorceress tights with a wooden staff and a voodoo doll behind her. It must be great to be her. Oh wait, I am her! The names Angelica about 19 years of age… and I’m here to tell the tale… of how I lost everything. It all started in that wooden table, risks are low, prices are high, and cards are strong.

     “Hahaha! Would there anyone else kind enough to give me more?” the girl said.

     “Damn…” the on the middle said. “I can’t believe that you lost our ticket… how are you going to Calderock now?”

     “Hey… it’s not my fault… you said that I got this!”

     “And yet you still lost the ticket.” I grabbed the whole stash with my whole arm. “I guess all of these are…”

     “Not so fast!” The idiot halted me. “How about one more round of poker… I’m sure it’s worth to get it.”

     “One more huh… what do you have left? And besides, you should stop before you lose your dignity.”

     “Oh please… someone’s got to stand up from your boastfulness…” he took off something around his neck. “… and I am willing to risk this necklace”

     “If I win… I’ll be taking that beautiful necklace of yours. It has a nice touch of wings around it after all and besides, Ruby is my favorite.”

     “But if I win… I’ll be taking everything that you have.”

     “Have I ever lost against you all before?” I provoked him. I was certain that I will win… after all… poker is my game. But then moments later, I went out of that place holding only a ticket in my hand. I still can’t believe that I lost… I’ve never lost in poker. It was some kind of trick… that is the only reason… I know… I will take revenge. He just got lucky that day… I was like…

     “I’m sorry… but my card is stronger.” I said.

     “Where do you get that confidence?”

     “Me… I just know it… I got a feeling because I got a pair of Kings!” I reached my hand to him. “The necklace please…”

     “Why would I give you this necklace… if I have a better hand than you?”

     Shocked and angry, I raised my staff and pointed it at him. “Don’t… you… DARE!”

     Other people stood up and looked at me. The other one spoke “Hey… lady… he won fair and square, plus if you are facing him, you are facing all of us and I don’t think that you can handle all of us at once… best that you leave right now.”

     Of course I can take them down! But I don’t want to cause any troubles so I left with a kick at the table.

     “Nice one dude.” The man said.

     “Yeah… it’s a good thing that I got everything back… including my…” he searches the loot. “Hey… where’s my ticket? Hey… has anyone seen it?”

     It’s better than nothing… so I stole that man’s ticket. My doll started to talk to me.

     “You should probably take it back to him.”

     “I don’t want to… I’m just going to sell this ticket on somewhere. Maybe Merchant Kelly wants the ticket.”

     “But the right thing…”

     “Oh shut up… I’m going to her.” I placed my doll back to my back and head on to Merchant Kelly. She was selling some potions and supplies for the adventurers. She was my only friend in Saint Haven… the only one who I can trust on my dirty secrets. I was lucky enough that even she gives me free potions. She was always cheerful and I haven’t seen her became mad. I told her what happened earlier in the House of Deals.

     “And that’s that… I lost everything except for this ticket that I stole.” I said

     “Why do you have that ticket?” She asked.

     “I was planning to sell it to someone… probably you or somebody else.”

     “Sorry… I’m not interested on getting one. And I don’t think anyone would buy from you. Everyone would just think that you stole it from someone… which you did.”

     “What am I supposed to do with this then?”

     “By the looks of this ticket… it leads to Calderock. That’s near Mana Ridge. I think you should find visit your old master, maybe your old friends, and the never ending snow that you were always talking about.”

     “My old master huh? I think it is a good idea. You’re right… I think I need to stop moving on and start going back for a while.”

     “Well… you should get going now… you only have four hours until the Nautilus Airship takes off.”

     “Yes I should… but what about my goodbye hug?”

     She smiled to me as I embraced her “I’ll miss you sis. Make sure that you don’t run into trouble.”

     “Telling that to a person who’s always in trouble? hehe” I said. “Well I’m off… you should be taking care of the shop. See you soon.”

     “Sure… I will” She smiled more as I turned and went off to the Nautilus.

     It must be exciting to see some old faces again like Sorceress Tara, Master Sorceress Cythia, the Merchant, and the Blacksmith with those cute hounds. Stepping up the Nautilus is like stepping on a new journey… it’s been ages since I boarded the Nautilus. I want to go back to Mana Ridge and feel those frozen cold feeling of snow. Three hours until the Nautilus takes off and I can already sense the chilling through my spine as I was thinking…

     “This is my start.” Then suddenly I saw a handsome fellow boarding the Nautilus.



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