It Should Have Been Me (pt. 2)

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It should've been me ~ continued 

Santana's POV
It's been six months. Six long months without her. It's been six months and I don't know what to do anymore. The first two months it was hard to understand that she wasn't here anymore. The third and fourth month, living hell. I waited everyday for her to walk through the door from work, and she would tell me about her day. Just some of  the things i waited for everyday.
Now, in the grieving process, I'm in states of depression. So many people have requested therapy, but I just can't make myself go. I can't really get myself to do anything.
Rachel and Kurt are coming today. They're basically my therapy. They've been grieving along with me. They both know how hard it is to lose someone you love.
*when Kurt and Rachel arrive*
A couple of knocks on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I got up and answer the door.
"Hello." Kurt and Rachel said in unison, walking into the apartment.
"How have you been?" Rachel asked, sitting on the couch.
"Same as usual." I say with a weak smile.
"I knew you would say that." Kurt said, he was right. It's been the same answer for about five months. I saw Kurt eyeing some papers that I had left on the coffee table since him and Rachel have gotten here. Those papers are letters I've written to Britt. It was something we always used to do. If we couldn't see each other, we would send really long texts to each other.
"I see you looking at them, Kurt." I say quietly, cutting Rachel off from talking, making her look at the letters.
"What are they?" Rachel asked.
"To who?" Rachel asked again.
"Who do you think?" I say.
"Brittany." Kurt said, picking up the first tear stained paper of the stack. "Do you mind if I read one?" He asked. I shook my head allowing him to read it. 

The letter read:
Dear Britt,
September 25, 2016
You're gone. It's been six days. I didn't think that day would come so fast. You're not here anymore. You're gone because of one stupid man who decided to make a stupid decision. I miss everything about you. Every little thing.
Your blue eyes. Your eyes were the kind of eyes you'd get lost in. I sure did get lost in yours.
Your laugh. If you laughed I laughed. It was contagious. I found it funny that you would laughed in the most serious moments, just to get out of it. Because you were never the serious type. If you laughed I laughed. Sometimes it's how I could tell that you were upset. You always laughed when you were upset because you said laughing makes everything better. It did make everything better. I wish I could hear you laugh one more time.
Your smile. That beautiful smile that would make everything better. That smile that made everyone else around you smile.
Just everything about you was perfect. I'm here with out you, wishing you were here. I love you, Britt-Britt. Proudly so. Forever and always.

"Santana..." Kurt started with tears in his eyes, "this is beautiful."
"Thank you, Kurt." I said holding tears back from just thinking about what I wrote in that letter.
"I know it's hard,San." Rachel said, noticing the tears in my eyes.
"How do people cope with loss? I feel like ever since Britt died I've gone crazy."
"I felt the same way after Finn died. I didn't know what do for the longest time. I swear I saw him everywhere."
"I did the same after my mother died, too" Kurt joined.
"It doesn't seem real. I feel like any moment she's gonna walk through that door. But she's not. And I don't know what to do."
"It's okay." Rachel said pulling me into a hug. I just nodded.
"It's going to get better i promise." Kurt said joining that hug.

To possibly be continued....

Hello you wonderful people who happen to stumble across this.... ummmmm okay? 😂😂 so here's a new part. I'm thinking about actually taking part one and this part and making it a work by itself.. comment if I should!! But anyway, I cried while writing this. Which is why I think it took so long to write.
Well I hope you like it.
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