We're Home!

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Rachel's POV
It's Saturday night, the night Kurt, Santana and I go out to eat. It was just something we started doing.
As we sat at our table. Kurt started talking.
"So I have an idea." He said.
"What's your idea?" I replied.
"We should go home."
"We just got here, Kurt." Santana joined in.
"No no no, not our apartment home... I mean Lima. You know to maybe to... surprise some special people?"
"You're talking and significant others, right?" Santana asked.
"Duh. I don't think surprising the others would be very good for Rach."
"What do you mean?" I said, slightly offended.
"You barely know anyone in glee club, other than Blaine, Tina, Sam, Britt, and  Artie."
"Yes I do. You know... Rick, Puck's brother... umm... Marie and Katy.
"You mean Ryder, Jake, Marley and Kitty."
"Yeah, that's what I said, right?"
Kurt looked at Santana.
"Whatever." Santana said, "so what are you thinking for the surprise, Kurt."
"Maybe a song. Maybe a little scavenger hunt to lead them to the auditorium."
"That's sound great." I said.
"So tonight we will find a song!"
*the next day*
Kurt's POV
So today, Rachel, San and I are headed to Lima. Last night we made our plans. We are going to surprise, Blaine, Finn, and Brittany. Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day. It's last minute, but I think it'll be worth it.
"Why didn't we fly to Ohio?" Rachel asked
"Cause we're just three nineteen year olds who work in a diner and can barely afford an apartment." Santana said.
"Did you ever figure out how we're going to do the scavenger hunt, Kurt." Asked Rachel, who was annoying me with all her question.
"Yeah, I have some cards that I made. We'll put one in the choir room, then one one the auditorium door, the last one will be in the stage. We didn't have much time so I decided to make it simple."
"Sounds like a good plan. Thanks for bring us this idea, Hummel." Santana said.
"No problem. Blaine was texting me about how much he missed me. So I figured Britt and Finn were missing you guys just as much."
*in Lima*
"So they have rehearsal this afternoon. So I guess we have to wait a couple of hours."
"That'll give us time to work on the song. We could stop by my dad's house." Rachel said.
"Sounds like a plan." I said looking at Rachel through the rearview mirror. Santana was asleep in the passenger seat.
We pulled up to Rachel's Dad's house.
Rachel and I got out of the car.
"Watch this." I said as i as I walked over to the passenger side and opened the door, attempting to scare Santana.
"What the hell?" She responded, sleepily.
Rachel laughed at my failed attempt.
"What's so funny?"
"Kurt tried to scare you."
"You failed, Lady Face."
"I'll scare you one day."
"Don't stop believing."

We stayed at Rachel's house for about an hour or so, before we decided to head out again. It was about time for rehearsal.
*at McKinley High*
"You guys head to the auditorium while I put this in the choir room."
Rachel and Santana nodded and made their was down the hallway.
I walked in the choir room and Mr.Schue was in his office. I didn't expect anyone to be in here.
"Hey, Mr. Schue."
"Kurt! Hey, what are you doing here?"
"Rachel, Santana and I wanted to surprise some special people for Valentine's Day."
"What an awesome surprise! Is there anything I can do?"
"Yes! When Blaine, Finn and Britt walk in here hand them these cards. The card will tell them to go to the auditorium."
"Thanks Mr. Schue. I better go catch up with the girls before it's to late."
"See you later."
He said as I made my way out of the choir room and headed to the auditorium.
As I got to the door, I taped the card to it. Then walked in. Santana and Rachel were sitting on the stage, practicing the song.
"You're here, finally."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Schue was in his office and we talked for a while. He's gonna help us out."
"Well you got here just in time, cause glee club start at 2:30. And it's 2:25 now." Rachel said looking at her phone.
"Did you put the card on the door?" Santana asked.
"Yes I did."
*five minutes later*
Mr. Schue's POV
"So we are going to wait a minute on today's lesson."
"But sectional is a couple weeks away. We should be working on a set list." Blaine said.
"Well, you're going to like this better. Someone dropped off these three cards for three special people."  I said holding up the cards.

"Which three people?"

"Blaine, Finn, and Brittany." I said handing them the cards.

"This is Rachel's handwriting." Finn said.

"What do they say?"

"SO you've found this card... Find the special room where we all had the time of our lives. (Nationals!)" Blaine read.

The three ran out of the room toward the auditorium.

Blaine's POV

After Finn, Britt and I got the card and read them, we ran to the auditorium. When we got there, there was another note on the door. Brittany grabbed it and read it.

"In the room before you, there is something special. Something that you didn't expect for a while."

"Let's Go!" Finn said opening the door."

When he opened the door, the light came on and showed Kurt, Rachel and Santana and music began to play.


I can't walk this road alone

The longest road that I will ever know

Looking out into the stars and moon

Wishing now that I'll be coming home to you


The sun is falling, I'm calling out for your name

Yeah, it's falling, I'm calling out

Now I'm running, I'm running, I'm on my way

Yeah, I'm running, I'm running now


Walking down this road of yours

It might be the world that I adore

Looking out into the stars and moon

Now I know that I'll be coming home to you


The sun is falling, I'm calling out for your name

Yeah, it's falling, I'm calling out

Now I'm running, I'm running, I'm on my way

Yeah, I'm running, I'm running now

Home, home

Home sweet home

Home, home

Home sweet home

Home, home

Home sweet home

Home, home

Home sweet home


I see it now, it's all so close and near

Drop my bags, the wait is gone, I'm here

All three of us clapped and ran on the stage.

"I thought you guys couldn't be here till next week." Finn said.

"We couldn't wait. Plus if you have San, then you can get out of almost anything."

"Well, All that matters now is that we're together now."


So I haven't got a chance to update the whole month of august... mostly because I was grounded and I don't have the app on my phone anymore :(

But anyways heres a new part.. Its really long... only because I didn't know what to write and I just put a bunch of stuff that I hope makes sense. But I hope you like it and VOTE!!

THANKS to everyone whose read and vote!!

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