07. 11. 17

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I was scared as heck when my phone black out, won't die nor turn on this afternoon 😢

It's the 2nd phone I get, the previous one's died because the battery problem and I left them in my parents house so I can't service them any soon. The phone I get is my sis old phone, like... really old it's already 4 or 5 y.o and the system (ios) can't update anymore it stuck on ios 7 meanwhile a lot of application require at least ios 8.

Of course I want a new phone that can work properly and use the most update system and application 😂 my last "new" phone I get was 4 years ago, the 2nd semester of 11th grade (highschool). I only used that phone for 2 years max because my brother need smaller phone to hide and bring to his school so I trade his old tablet with my phone. So, my junior year of college used that old tablet which is SAME with senior, embarrassed to the max but I tried to stay cool. Afterall, I have to endure it right? I have no place to complain since it won't really heard/matter to anyone.

My brother got new phone recently... Because he keep using other people phone etc. I can't lie, I'm envy. When I heard he got new phone was at the same time when my tablet broke. I have to endure 5 days or week without phone, tbh it's hell. But who am I (again) to complain?

I rarely said I want something to other just because I know they will not listen 😂

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