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Zendaya 3P:
Zendaya was wearing:

Zendaya 3P:Zendaya was wearing:

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"Of course, I'll be good mama."

Zendaya told her mom on the phone.

"Okay, bye baby, love you!" Her mom said back to her.

"Bye, love you" Zendaya told her mom.

"New school here I come!" Zendaya said to herself before walking into her new arts school.

Zendaya parents thought it would be an amazing experience for her, because dancing was her passion and she loved it so much. She was also extremely good in singing and art. After many auditions, Zendaya finally made it through!

I still can't believe I'm at the school I've wanted to go to for years! Zendaya thought o herself.

Zendaya already knew the school. She went to her first class, dance.

Tom 3P:
Tom was wearing:

"Harrison! No, I can't go to a different school, I love it here!" Tom shouted in his phone

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"Harrison! No, I can't go to a different school, I love it here!" Tom shouted in his phone.

"Fine mate, whatever, we'll talk later about it, bye!" Harrison told Tom.


That little punk! I still can't believe he won't get over it! Tom thought to himself.

Tom was an arts prodigy,mainly dance but also drame, a tiny bit of art and singing as well.
He been going to this school for two years now. His best friend Harrison, wants him to come back to London for school but Tom wants to stay.

Tom walked to his first class of the new year, dance.

The next chapter is a lot better than this one -AN

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