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Why is bowling called bowling? It has nothing to do with bowls? The thing you throw is a BALL, so maybe it was called balling and then someone mispronounced it and it stuck. 


   I was bowling the other day with my sister and a couple family friends. There was a 6 year old, an 8 year old, 2 14 year olds (myself included) and a couple of adults. We were starting up the game and the guy was helping us and he asked, "So who wants bumpers?"
   Naturally I raised my hand.
   I looked around and found only the 8 year old and I raising our hands. He gave us bumpers and started up the game, so it was too late to go back.
     Lemme just say for the record, j am really bad at bowling.
    I ended up coming in last, even having the 6 year old without bumpers beating me.
   Moral of the story: if you ever feel bad about your bowling skills, just remember this story, and think that it could always be worse.

That was fun to write! Feel free to laugh at my skills all you want in the comments, vote on it if you liked it, and I will see you next time, my nightingales!

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