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               Spooky ghost stuff yay!

         So I did a Kokurri-San (it's like a Ouija board but safer, you should look it up) and it was super fun and it worked really well! I got lots of answers to some questions I had been wondering, so it was going great, right up until the end:

Should we play a Ouija board?


Why not?



It then spells out my name.
My real name.
Like, my not Piper name.

                             .  .  .  .  .

I'm over here like
Because I believe this wholeheartedly. I've always believed in ghost stuff like this and it's so cool and scary to actually be talking to a spirit. However, I'm also a thrill seeker, which means I'm probably going I do it anyways.  I've always wanted to do one and see how well they work and respond, and what sort of answers I will get. So, yeah I also might die. What a cool way to go! Taken by ghosts....it makes me sound like a badass, and NOT a nerdy music geek!

Fear not, though, my nightingales, my fine readers who may be concerned about me. I don't actually own a Ouija board at the moment, so I won't be able to do one until I can actually find it and purchase it, which may take a while. I may never find one ever!  It sure would make for a good story though, you can count on that.  Well, I mean, I wouldn't be able to write if I was dead, but your get the idea of it.

        Spooky, right? All of the stories I tell here actually happen because I'm uncreative, and I feel like they're pretty fun to read. You can tell me your ghost stories in the comments, I'd love to ear about them! Also, remember to vote on this chapter if you liked it. I'll see you next time, nightingales!

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