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     Since Jack's "Anti" upload today, I've wondered what I would be like if I had a "dark" side. I had some fun tossing ideas around (with....myself....yeah I know, I don't have friends as I'll be forever alone blah blah blah-). I was thinking of drawing it, but here's the gist, told in proper storytelling mode, because I couldn't help myself. Lemme know whatcha think, nightingales!

    The house wasn't very old or big, but it looked as though no one had touched it for years. I looked back at my friends, who were egging me on from afar. I couldn't back down from this.
     I went up to the door, unsure of what to do. To my surprise, however, the door was unlocked. It swung open easily, allowing me access to the hallway. I stepped inside, taking in my surroundings.
       There was a staircase immediately to my right, another room to my left, and what appeared to be a dining room ahead of me with a sliding glass door. Not wanting to go upstairs just yet, I stepped forward to examine the dining room. I cautiously stepped into the room.
       The kitchen wasn't much to look at, though it appeared as though someone had left one of the kitchen burners on. I glanced around, thinking one of my friends thought that this was a funny joke. The house looked completely undisturbed. A pang of fear ran up my spine. I walked over, quickly turning the burner off and heading towards the door.
         Unnoticed by me, the door had closed behind me and locked. I tried to get the attention of my friends, but a dog had picked up and I couldn't see past the front porch. I checked the other rooms, but no other doors were to be found. 
       I had two options, to go downstairs to the basement, or to check upstairs for an open window to call out of. Reluctant about going upstairs, I set off towards the basement. The light switch did nothing, so I turned on my flashlight and went to look for a key to something. Anything.
    The stairs had been all the way to the left of the room, so everything was to my right. On the wall to my left, there was a wooden box with two handles. Upon opening it, I found an old but well used dart board, with several varying darts of all shapes and sizes. Not feeling comfortable with the sharp objects, I closed the cabinet and moved on. The bar to the right was small, and didn't have many useful things I would need. All of a sudden, I heard four dull thuds behind me. I froze, and stood still for what seemed like forever. Finally, I didn't hear any more noises, so I turned around. The dartboard cabinet was opened once again, with four darts sticking out of it.
    I walked closer to examen it, and found nothing too strange about this. No "666" or whatever, it was as if someone had thrown the darts just casually playing a game. They were stuck in the numbers 8-5-12-16. No matter how normal it looked, it was still frightening to me how they had moved on their own.  I wanted to get out of the basement as quickly as possible.
        I ran up the stairs like a frightened child. I slammed the basement door shut and ran for the front door. Still locked. I panicked, not knowing what to do. I looked behind me. I couldn't see anything, but I knew. I couldn't see it, but something- a presence- was there, even if I could only feel it. I ran up the stairs, and they groaned as I took each stride. Had to keep running.
      Upstairs, there was a narrow hallway. All the doors were closed except one. I ran towards in and slammed the door shut behind me. I breathed in and out heavily, not sure of what to do. I turned around the empty room and immediately found what I had been running from. Only this time, I could see it.
    The longer I look at the demon, the more it begins to terrify me. Its eyes are bloodshot- as though it had been crying, feeling- and were a shade of dark, dark brown, with hints of gold along the edges.
        She had pale skin, littered with small, almost invisible cuts.
      Her smile was- for a lack of a better word- broken. The grin was lopsided, her teeth weren't straight, and the edges of her lips had cracked. 
      She may be a teen, though she was barely alive.  She had dark brown hair that faded down to a blood red- wait, is that blood dripping from her hair?!
      I quickly avert my eyes from her head. She's not tall by any means, but her posture was straight as can be.  She faced me head on, face tilted down, eyes glued on me. Her legs were covered with blood, and her arms had hue cuts along them. She wore ripped jean shorts, and a black tank top. She was just....horrifying to look at. When I finally got the courage to look her back in the eyes, I saw several things. I saw insanity. I saw a heavy sadness. I looked closer, and behind all her scars...I saw a child. A fearful child, lost in the darkness and trying to find its way from the demon it has become. I snapped back to reality. Her expression had changed. It looked as though maybe, just maybe, the child almost won it's way out.  She looked despaired, and happy that someone saw past her skin. Just when I thought I was safe, she opened her mouth. She began to sing, almost inhumanly, a high melody. 
      My body felt...compelled. I wanted to go closer to her, hold her, be near her. I didn't even realized that I had taken steps towards her. She was so close, I could almost touch her... just as I realized the danger of  what I was doing, she was inches from my face. Warm, fresh blood dripped from my ears, and everything faded in a flash of red and gold.

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