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I'm strange to ride in cars with.

Okay, that's a weird statement to make without any context, so here's the scoop:

When I listen to music in the car, more often than not I'll be dancing along to it, usually very flamboyantly.
My sister was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Since I was her designated co-pilot, I got to choose the music.

So I was dancing along to one of my favorite songs- (Feel it Still by Portugal. The Man if you must know)
And I was doing the whole routine. Head banging, shaking my shoulders, aggressively mouthing the words, you know the deal. We pull up to a long red light. I keep dancing, in my own little world, when I suddenly realize there's a car next to us.

I look over, expecting a stranger to be there laughing, staring, pointing, ignoring. Nope.

I look over and see my ex-boyfriend (he's older than me and is learning to drive) in the car next to us, looking at me and silently shaking his head. Well, actually I don't know if he was making any noise, the music was loud and we both had our windows up.

I stop and stare.

He stares back.

The light turns green and me and my sister turn left while he goes straight on.

Frankly I'm still laughing about it. I  haven't seen him in months and this is how he sees me. Flailing and screaming along to a song that he doesn't even know/ or can hear.

So yeah, anyways I dance in the car and that's why it's strange.

A/N: WHAT'S UP GUYS! Motivation to write has struck again! Plus this happened and I thought you could have a laugh about it. Anyways, see ya next time, peeps!

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