Back in the Swing of Things.

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"Pierce, it's in one of the boxes, just keep digging." Mollie begged her younger brother over the phone as she sat in her office trying to fit her lunch break into 10 minutes. Seeing emergent patients was not what she wanted to do on her only day off but there she was still in her office on a Friday at noon.

The twenty-something who had probably slept 4 hours groaned, "Mols, I don't see it. Can't you just ask Sid to get you a new one?"

"No P, I cannot. Are you sure it's not in there?"

"Are you sure you didn't burn it? I don't see any box..." Mollie rolled her eyes stuffing another forkful of salad into her mouth. As she chewed she finally heard an "aha" from the other end of the line. "Found it. Damn, it's wrinkly."

"Just toss it in the dryer, and be at my place by 5 please."

"Will do, I am going back to sleep now." Pierce said through a yawn, Mollie wished him good sleep and looked at the clock above her desk. Only a few more hours, she'd be home by 4, ready by 5, and at the arena by 6.

At 5:09 she was standing in her kitchen holding onto the marble counter top wearing black jeans, a white shirt, a jean jacket, and black boots. Her nails were tapping on the countertop waiting for Pierce to walk through the door wearing his ratty 5 year old jersey.

At 5:13 the front door burst open and in he strolled, the almighty jersey paired with jeans and Sperry's. Looking his outfit up and down Mollie laughed out loud, "You do realize you're not a frat boy anymore right?"

The 25 year old rolled his eyes, "Shut up," he then tossed a wad of black and gold at his older sister setting a cardboard box down on the ground as the heavy door slammed behind him, "Take this old thing and lets go."

Clutching the jersey in her hand Mollie took a peek inside at the tag, the black ink was faded but she knew exactly what it had once read. "I love you " scrawled in Sidney's chicken scratch. It was the way he had first told her that he loved her. And it hadn't taken him long to say it, just a few months and she felt he same way.

But after knowing one another for so long at that point it was just finally letting it out, they were both so in love it was like they were bursting at the seams.

After running her finger across the faded letters a moment longer Mollie came back to reality, turned off all of her lights and grabbed her purse before following Pierce out of the apartment.

Downstairs the two hopped into Mollie's Audi and followed the evening traffic towards the arena. Parked quickly in VIP lot the two had time to grab dinner in the concourse enjoying their time away from medicine.

Mollie, always a people watcher eyeballed the swarms of Penguin fans walking by the table she was holding down as Pierce fetched another round of beers. There were hundreds of people wearing #87 jerseys and that made her smile as she looked down at her own jersey resting on top of her purse.

As a horn sounded deeper in the arena Pierce reappeared sliding a plastic cup towards his sister, "You ready to head up? Or do you want to go take a peek at the ice?"

Mollie shrugged and looked down at her feet where the black and gold fabric was resting, "Lets go check out the lower bowl for a sec."

Pierce grinned over the top of his cup watching as she leaned down to grab the jersey slipping it on overtop of her long sleeve shirt. "You're up to something, aren't you."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mollie chided as she hopped off the stool she had been sitting on, slinging her bag over her shoulder and draped her coat across her arm. Lastly she picked up her fresh glass of beer and nodded her head towards the nearest entrance of the bowl, "Come on, let's go watch some hockey."

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