Two Truths and a Lie.

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"Spill the beans, Doc." Mollie's head turned at the request, her green eyes locking in on Catherine Letang, the beautiful blonde grinning ear to ear. As she slid into the plastic arena chair beside Mollie, Catherine pointed out to the ice. "That husband of mine won't say anything, Sidney is no help either, so you're going to tell me."

"Tell you what, Cath?" Mollie asked knowing damn well what she wanted.

The blonde tilted her head, her bright blue eyes narrowing in. "Are you guys back together? I saw the pictures, the whole city saw them actually. What's going on?"

Mollie took a glance down at the ice finding #87 with ease, she smiled to herself. Since that night at the Gala over a month ago things between the two of them had been better than ever.

They were adults now, their careers were settled, it was like the break they had taken fixed things without even knowing there had been faults to begin with.

When Mollie and Sidney had broken up back in 2013 things were at a high stress level for the both of them. She was trying to graduate Medical School, study for her boards, get into a top tier residency program, and become a doctor for God's sake.

Stress was in every fiber of her being.

On the other hand Sidney was trying to make it look like his 2009 Stanley Cup championship wasn't a fluke. He and the Penguins had struggled every season since, the Lockout had felt like the fate of the NHL was on his shoulders, and injuries were piling up and wreaking havoc on his young body.

On the outside everything appeared to be perfect.

But on the inside the two twenty-something's were struggling to stay afloat.

So that fight, it was the one piece that sent the whole tower tumbling down.

Now, things were settled.

There were no more tests, there was no more school. Mollie was a doctor, she had her very own patients, her own office, and everything was the way she had always dreamed it to be.

On Sidney's end he was finally healthy, his team was on track to make the playoffs, and he felt good about his life for the first time since Mollie had run out of it.

They were back to what they considered normal.

So in short, yes they were back together.

But there was so much more to it.

The deep talks, digging through their feelings, literal boxes of feelings. Explaining the forgiveness that had taken place throughout the years, the subtle changes like hair colors and added spontaneity, and just talking about their future together in general.

The had a future together, that was for damn sure.

Two years they had spent apart was as long as Mollie ever wanted to go without having Sidney Crosby in her life, and he whole heartedly agreed.

They needed each other.

But these things, they were just between the two of them.

Mollie, who was almost as private with her life as Sidney, felt they didn't need to be shared with every single person they knew. So instead of giving Catherine all of the inside scoop she shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah, we are."

"That's it? That's all I get?" Catherine questioned appalled at Mollie's short answer.

The doctor gnawed at her lip, at one point in time Catherine and Veronique had been her best friends, so maybe she didn't have to keep everything from them. "We're together behind closed doors, I guess. You know how he is, things are good though. I love him, I always will."

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