With You, I'm Me.

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Mollie met Jonah for the first time during one of the worst scenarios imaginable.

In a small trauma bay in February 2014 nearly a year into her stint at John's Hopkins Mollie found herself doing chest compressions and CPR on a ten year old little boy when he burst through the door.

Her eyes already full of fear and adrenaline grew wide as Dr. Jonah Halstead appeared in the room gowned up in a yellow protective gown snapping gloves onto his hands as he walked.

Immediately he was shouting orders at the others in the room. "Continue compressions." 

"Where's the crash cart?" He asked the nurses.

"Pushing one of epi." He told them all injecting the child with a dose of the drug.

As the situation became clearer he yelled out, "Call for an OR." to anyone who was listening.

It was like a scene from Grey's Anatomy and Mollie, although she was in shock at running her first code did as she was told.

Once the shocks were being administered she moved out of the way lingering in the back of the room watching the scene unfold. She was amazed at the man doing work on the patient, now intubating the child with ease, it was impressive to her how calm he was and how well he took control of the room.

The longer she watched him the more she noticed his thick stylishly cut auburn hair and his piercing dark brown eyes of his.

He was attractive, and just the thought of him made Mollie's stomach lurch. She hadn't so much as looked at another man since she'd moved to Baltimore but here he was storming into the room and throwing her entirely for a loop.

When the patient was stable and on his way to the operating room Mollie, the two nurses who had stayed through the end of the trauma, and Dr. Halstead were all that was left in the shambles of the once sterile space.

Mollie, a bit timid in the small space with her hands stuffed in her lab coat pockets watched as the nurses excused themselves. Trying to decided whether or not to leave herself her eyes flicked over to the man wearing dark red scrubs that matched her own.

Her admiration was cut short as the man quickly caught on that she was staring at him, clearing his throat before he spoke the man extended his hand towards Mollie. "We haven't had a chance to meet yet, I'm Jonah Halstead. Pediatric Trauma."

"Nice to meet you, Mollie Holden. General pediatrics." She slid her hand into his with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, Dr. Holden. Thanks for all the help, you ran a great code."

No code was great but they were able to bring back the patient so Mollie would have to say it was a win for the home team. "Thank you, you were, well that was incredible." Mollie blushed as she tugged on her stethoscope that hung around her neck.

"First one?"

Mollie teetered her free hand, she'd seen a few unfold during medical school and been a fly on the wall once or twice but this was her first time actually being hands on. "Sort of, first save at least."

"It's a rush that's for sure. Where did you do your schooling?"

"Undergrad at Penn State, med school at U-Pitt." That earned a smirk out of Jonah and Mollie felt her stomach warming.

"Ahh, a 'Burgh girl, would you hate me if I told you I was from Philly?"

Only if you're a Flyers fan Mollie thought to herself but she only shrugged her shoulders in response. "Not particularly, we just won't discuss sports."

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