28 | Plans for the Exhibition

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Your POV:

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After giving the Prince a tough lesson in discipline, Sebastian once again prepared tea for the table when they all returned. Though hesitant I drank it and thankfully mine wasn't poisoned again.

"I didn't realize that West was after a Royal Warrant. Although, given his obsession with status, it does make sense."

"I was wondering, what exactly is a Royal Warrant?" Soma flinched as his tea was set in front of him in fear of Sebastian who found the reaction amusing.

"It's an endorsement bestowed by the royal family upon their favorite vendors. Royal Warrant holders are official purveyors to the crown," Lau explains.

"Yes, indeed, and in one week, a curry exhibition will be held as part of the festivities at the Crystal Palace. I am told it should be quite an event. Once more, from what I've heard, her majesty, who is widely known to be a lover of curry, will be in attendance at that day."

"Nothing more than a rumor. Ever since her husband, Prince Albert, passed away, her majesty rarely condescends to make public appearances," Ciel dismisses.

"What do the curry exhibition and the recent crimes have to do with each other?"

"The connection is the curry. It's the specialty at West's coffeehouse. If he obtains a Royal Warrant for curry, his sales are sure to increase dramatically. My guess is he was using Agni to target specific men. They were probably his rivals for the curry exhibition. When he hanged the men, he included notes that were insulting to the English. That was done to make it seem as if the attacks were carried out by a bitter Indian. Likely, Mina was West's bait. She's probably the only reason Agni got involved." Sebastian hands Ciel one of the notes from the crime scene, and he in turn slides it over to Prince Soma across the table. "I'm guessing he did it all for you. You worship Kali, a goddess who is depicted with her tongue sticking out. Agni worships you as his god, along with Kali. The connection seems obvious. He clearly signed those letters as a way of apologizing to you."

"He may, indeed, have left, but everything he does is still for you. No one else. Agni lives only for you. He's a fine butler."

"My, my, my. I do love a happy ending! It looks like everything's wrapped up." Lau claps his hands for our attention as if to celebrate. "No need to get more involved. I'm sure the Yard can handle the rest."

"Wait, no! There's Agni and Mina. What will happen to them?" Soma shouts, standing from his seat in a panic. He did not want them forgotten about. He still wanted them back.

"We know the criminal underworld isn't involved in this, which means it has nothing to do with us." The Prince sighs.

"You're right. This is my problem. I need to be strong and find a way to handle it on my own."

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