I'm In Love With My Step Brother {Part2}

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Yn~that's good so are we like official?

Chresanto~yeah i mean if you want to be

Yn~yeah i want to be

Chresanto~good(kiss you)

CSD & YNM~(coming down stairs)Morning


CSD~we are going out after work so y'all are gonna have to stay here and behave

Chresanto~okay no problem

YM~Ok see y'all later

CSD & YNM~(leave out)

Yn~bae how do you think they will react if they find out about us?

Chresanto~i don't even know my dad probably would beat the shit outta me and punish me for like half a year. I know he will do it because one time he punished me for a half of year before

Yn~danm what the fuck you do?

Chresanto~i stole his car and didn't answer the phone but he didn't report the car missing so i didn't get arrested cuz he knew i took it

Yn~wow you're a bad Boy

Chresanto~i know but you love this bad boy don't you?(wrap his arms around your waist)

Yn~i sure do(kiss him)

Chresanto~i know you do,I love you

Yn~i know you do and i love you too

Chresanto~(hear a knock @ the door and opens it)wassup y'all?

Prodigy~what's good?

RayRay~wassup yo?

Chresanto~shit,come in

Everybody~(go in your house)


Damn i forgot to mention even though me and Roc have a little secreat thing going on his homeboy RayRay is Fine with a capital F.He can have me anyday but Roc is my secret boyfriend but if our parents find out there's not gonna be nomore of YN&ROC it's gonna be you know just Yn...&....Roc.His dad might punish him for awhile. I just know for a fact that Chresanto's dad still will be with my mom regardless of what we do.


Prince~eww Yn what are you doing here looking ratchet girl?(twist his lips)

Yn~i live here nigga what you doing here boy?(twist her lips)

Prince~chilling with my niggas

Yn~oh ard

RayRay~wassup Yn?

Yn~Hi Ray (smile)

RayRay~can i get a hug?

Yn~sure(hug him & look at chresanto)

Chresanto~(getting jelly)


Yn~your're welcome


Chresanto~( text his dad)

Big Daddy Santo~hey dad


Big Daddy Santo~look,If you weren't my dad and you were like still with Yn's mom and your son was dating or wanted to date your step daughter on the low and you found out what would you do?

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