I'm In love with my step brother{Part29}

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Yn~so what I'm hearing is that you'll wait for me?I mean until I get over you know who and is ready to date again

Princeton ~yeah I'll wait for you how ever long you need just know I'll always be by yo side as Brody until you want me to become baby

Yn~sorry but that sounded weird it seems like I'm dating my brother all over again cause you said from brody to baby

Princeton ~(chuckle)I agree but this ain't gone be nothing like that.You gone be with your best friend that you've spent all of your life with and cares for you no matter what happens.He was just a jerk who was only thinking of himself.If we do wind up dating which I hope happens I promise I'll always put you first that's just me and if I don't then I feel like a big ass nobody.

Yn~when it comes down to it one day we will date,hopefully but I just don't wanna go through another long distance relationship I thought I could do it but that isn't my thing I like to be around my significant other

Princeton ~i feel you, what ever route we take it's gone be the best for the two of us

Yn~i agree


How could I let this happen to her,to us?I know I told her that I wouldn't bother her again but I gotta try to explain to her or get her to be in my life again.I can't let her go so easy it just ain't gone happen.

Mr.August~Chresanto come here


Mr.August~here(hands him keys)So you don't have to drive my car anymore

Chresanto~(take them)no way you got me a new car?you shouldn't have(run out side)what the hell is this?

Mr.August~(come outside) you like your car?

Chresanto~dad you shouldn't have

Mr.August~i know it's great right?

Chresanto~no dad seriously you shouldn't have(hand keys back)no offense I appreciate you getting me a car but i'd rather Catch a bus,taxi,walk than to be seen in this car

Mr.August~what's wrong with this car?

Chresanto~it's old,rusty, not my type it's probably gonna break down and I'm not tryna die today or any day soon.

Mr.August ~it's not that bad

Chresanto~sure(walk back in)by the way Yn is here


Chresanto ~i guess still at Princeton's house

Ynm~oh ok I'll call her so I can see her

Chresanto~yeah you do that(walk away)

Ynm~he's in a bad mood

Mr.August~i wonder what's the matter with him

Ynm~i don't know(call Yn)

Yn~hey mom

Ynm~hey sweety,I didn't know you were out here

Yn~yeah,I'm going back Sunday

Ynm~ohok,can you come home I wanna see you?

Yn~Chresanto there?

Ynm~yes of course

Yn~(huff)come right now?

Ynm~yes I mean I would love you to this is the longest I've spent without seeing you,I miss you

Yn~ok mom I'm coming

Ynm~ok see you soon

Yn~ok mom(hang up)

Princeton~what's going on?

Yn~my mom want me to come see her so i am

Princeton~you want me to come?

Yn~no I'm fine it's gonna be real quick and then I'll be right back


Yn~see you in a little bit

Princeton ~ok

                   @YN'S HOUSE

Yn~hey mom(hug her)

Ynm~hey sweety I missed you

Yn~i missed you too

Ynm~come have a seat(go 2 living room)


Mr.August~(come downstairs) hey Yn(hug)

Yn~hey Mr.August

Mr.august ~how have you been?

Yn~fine I guess

Mr.August~that's good,Do you know what's up with your boyfriend?


Chresanto~(come downstairs) nothing is wrong with me & I'm no longer......her boyfriend

Mr.August~is that the reason why you've been acting this way?

Chresanto~what way?

Mr.August~ distant,depressed. Today's your birthday and your looking and acting miserable

Chresanto~i'm fine

Mr.August~why did you two break up?

Chresanto~i'm not proud of why we broke up so  I'm not gonna tell you.Yn can tell you if she want but i'm not(walk upstairs)

Ynm~what happened sweety?

Yn~well I flew up here to surprise him for his birthday and well.....I caught him sleeping with another girl

Mr.August~he was having sex with some one else?in my house?

Yn~(shake head yes)

Mr.August~Chresanto get down here !!!
Chresanto~(come downstairs)she told you?

Mr.August~yup you begged me to be with her and then you go and do something like that?

Chresanto~look I know what I did was wrong and I don't like that I did it.I'm not proud of it and I told her that I apologize and she deserve better so she gone get that from somebody else who's gonna treat her right and be faithful.Do all the things I couldn't because I wasn't faithful I told her that,ok?I don't need to hear no criticism ok?I know what I did and I got the consequence I did From it.She's better off without me but Yn you should know that I was in love with you and I still am.I will always be in love with you but you should be with someone who won't do that to you


Chresanto~no problem,Do you still love me?


Chresanto ~i love you too but I want you to fall outta love with me so you can be loved again

Yn~i will eventually don't worry


Yn~you gonna fall outta love with me too right?

Chresanto~nah I can't force myself to do so

Yn~i see

Chresanto~(sit next 2 Yn)can I have one last hug since earlier was violent I just wanna have one good bye hug

Yn~yeah(hug him &tear fall)

Chresanto~(break hug)don't cry this.....this is better for you not for me but for you (wipe tear )one day you gone find this great guy whose gonna make you his world and only you his world.

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