I'm In Love With My Step Brother{Part8}

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Yn~No,i'm just not as interested in finding out what it is as much as you want me to

Chresanto~ok whatever you say but if I was you I would at least try

Yn~but you're not me I don't really care to know who he is. Sometimes I do but I'd rather stay out of his way cause I'm sure that's what he prefer me to do

Chresanto~i'm just saying you have a chance to meet your dad.I Dont have a chance to meet my mom again you never know what could happen but you better get that chance before it's too late.

Yn~ Chresanto just leave it alone,ok? it's never gonna Happen

Chresanto~ok,just trying to help

Yn~thanks but no thanks(hands his food)

Chresanto~thanks,So um what you wanna do today?


Chresanto~you wanna do nothing?

Yn~yeah,I just wanna have a chilled out day today


Yn~what?what did you wanna do?

Chresanto~i was thinking we could you know(kiss her neck)

Yn~huh,no that's the crazy thing my mom told us not to do

Chresanto~what?you never turned my sex down

Yn~what are you talking about?it only happened once

Chresanto~ But it could be twice if you just relax and let me take control


Chresanto ~(happy)really?

Yn~nope,I lied

Chresanto~(straighten his face)don't play like that

Yn~(bust out laughing)awww is my poppy mad?

Chresanto ~real funny

Yn~i know you ain't gotta tell me.Your dad is gone & we don't know where he's at,what time he'll be back.we could fuck and he couldvcome home any given second and catch us then he'll be even mad at us than he already is

Chresanto~i'll tell him it's my fault if he do catch us.

Yn~as much as I know how hard you are trying to find a way baby but that way will never work

Chresanto~come on baby please

Yn~you got two hands and some lotion use it wisely(giggle and walk away)

Chresanto~what?(think about it)oh uh uh sweety I don't like that way YN YOU ARE GONNA REGRET NOT FUCKING ME!!!!!

Yn~SURE I AM!!!(slam door)


I have to call somebody and tell them about me and Chresanto I need to get this off my chest it kills me to keep Him as a secret but not just anybody but somebody I can trust. Someone who will keep it a secret even if we stop being friends.I know who,I'll call Princeton. He has always been there for me he is like my brother. He keeps all my deep and important secrets and he always have the right advise to give to people.


Yn~(call Princeton)

Princeton~hey sista

Yn~hey Brody


Yn~i have to vent

Princeton~ight,spill it

Yn~well you know that me and Chresanto are sorta related not by blood but by paper

Princeton~ yeah

Yn~ Well what if I told you that we are secretly dating

Princeton ~oh snap(shocked)

Yn~i know so we decided to tell our parents last night and things went bad

Princeton~how bad?Was it finding out you're getting cheated on bad or Salonge and Jay z in the elevator bad?

Yn~it was Salonge and Jay z in the elevator bad like over the top

Princeton ~who hit who?

Yn~Mr.August hit Chresanto and he's angry. he didn't greet me back this morning

Princeton ~oh yeah he's definitely mad at you. He never ignores your greetings

Yn~i know, We all are suppose to discuss this problem today later on

Peinceton~well y'all gone need Mr.Spread the peace to be there.If yesterday was Salonge and Jay z bad today could be Ray Rice and his wife bad.

Yn~you're gonna come spread your peace?

Princeton~you want me to?

Yn~yes please that would make it so much easier you're like a therapist

Princeton~i know sweety you ain't gotta tell me (chuckle)

Yn~omg you're a mess(giggle)

Princeton~just call me when you're ready for me to come down there


Princeton ~and if you ever need me I'm always 10 doors down the street or a phone call away

Yn~10 door too far you need to move up 7 doors

Princeton~(chuckle)no thank you I don't like none of the neighbors you got

Yn~i thought you like everybody "Mr.spread the peace"

Princeton ~yeah,about that.I don't like them I just spread the peace with them

Yn~ain't that being fake?

Princeton ~no not really,what I mean by spreading the peace with them is being mature and not snapping their gottdanm heads off their shoulders for being so gottdamn nosey

Yn~(giggle)Mr.spread the peace what they do to you?

Princeton~they always in my business owee y'all would make a cute couple,is that your girlfriend?And they stay asking me questions and you know how much I hate when people I don't like asks me questions it irritates

Yn~well maybe they wanna get to know you

Princeton~well that's dead.Why your neighbor on the right of you know where I live?

Yn~the daughter or her mom?(giggle)


Yn~well you do only live 10 doors Down so.....

Princeton~no don't take their sides. The daughter was sitting on her porch one time and she watched Me walk home i felt her eyes watching me and then one time she was on the other side of the street when I was walking home she followed me

Yn~(bust out laughing)no way

Princeton~yes way,every time I stopped she would stop then when I look at her she would find something to do to make it look like she wasn't following me which made it look even more suspicious

Yn~aww Princey pooh got a little stalker on his hands

Princeton~she sexy and cute in all but she's weird

Yn~so,you're weird too.

Princeton~but not her type of weird

Yn~yeah ok but I'll see you when we're ready to talk

Princeton~ok see you then(hang up)

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