I'm in love with my step brother{Part26}

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Chresanto ~(walk back in house)

Kelsey ~you ok?

Chresanto~naw,I knew this shouldn't have started.I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen today

Kelsey~it isn't all your fault

Chresanto~exactly it's mostly yours

Kelsey ~mine?

Chresanto ~yeah if you would have stayed where you were, at the grocery store and didn't convince me that you just wanted to get to know me I wouldn't be in this situation

Kelsey~first of all I didn't convince nothing. If you knew you had a girlfriend and loved her you would have convinced ya goddanm self not to fuck around with me but you didn't.You let this go on for this long and now you wanna blame it all on me because she left you?but I'm not going for it.If you would have been loyal and kept ya shit in yo pants and not sticking it in me you would still be with her.

Chresanto~but you knew I had a girlfriend so why would you even let this ride out like that?

Kelsey~that's not my problem.I knew you had a girlfriend and you knew that  too but who should have been the responsible one,the cheater or the taker?


Kelsey~right,it wasn't a real relationship if I took you away from her that easy.She seems like a bright girl but she was dumb for leaving you here believing you would stay loyal without her supervised vision.

Chresanto~i don't need no supervised vision like I'm some Lil ass kid to stay loyal.

Kelsey ~obviously you do because you staying loyal didn't happened.

Chresanto~ok whatever,can you leave?I don't want ya company right now

Kelsey ~i'll be glade to and call me when you're ready to grow up and take  responsibility for ya own actions (leave)

Everything is fucked up and it's my birthday.This is the worst birthday in history in my life i've had to experience. I think Kelsey was right,it was my responsibility to stay loyal but i wasn't responsible enough to do so.Yn is a sweet girl and anyone would be happy to have her I hope one day she finds this great guy who will be there for her all of the time,Be loyal to her,Call every night and one day marry  her and have beautiful and handsome kids with her.I want him to do all the great things I couldn't do and great things I couldn't be when I had her.I want him to give her the world and cherish all the moments with her.They say you never realize what you have till it's gone.Now that Yn is gone I've realized alot of shit.


Yn~(waking up)

Princeton ~hey

Yn~(wiping eyes)hey

Princeton ~you had a nice nap?

Yn~not really I kept dreaming about Chresanto

Princeton ~oh,you were sleep for a min

Yn~i know,I didn't wanna go to sleep but I was tired from crying

Princeton ~true

Yn~(check phone)dang Sky blew my phone up

Princeton~did she?

Yn~yeah a lot,I'll call her(call Sky)hello?

Sky~ I know you seen me calling you

Yn~no I didn't,I was sleep

Sky~ooee what you and Chresanto was doing that got you sleeping?

Yn~not a danm thing I'm not even with Chresanto anymore

Sky~he went to work?

Yn~i don't know and I don't care

Sky~dang wassup with you?


Sky ~it's something

Yn~ok fine it is something

Sky~and what is it?

Yn~i broke up with Chresanto today

Sky ~on his birthday?why what happened?

Yn~i...I caught him cheating

Sky ~are you serious?

Yn~yup you guys were right I was crying all day and fell asleep but I'm done crying and I'm done with him

Sky~sorry to hear that

Yn~it's cool I thought you were gonna give me one of those "you should have listened"speeches

Sky ~no not in this conflict I'm not, I'm letting this thing slide

Yn~thanks cause I'm not really in the mood to hear one of those

Sky~no problem,so where you at?

Yn~at Princeton's house

Sky~oh ok so you gonna stay there  until Sunday?cause you can stay here if you want to

Yn~thanks but I told Prince I'll stay here until Sunday

Sky~cool, no problem I'll call to check up on you later on

Yn~ard talk to you later

Sky~ok bye

Yn~bye(hang up)

I appreciate Sky not being immature and giving me one of those stupid speeches and her supporting me,being by my side along with Princeton.Chresanto did me wrong and I don't know why but he did.I wish I would have never came here today and never found this out I'd rather not have seen that at all then I wouldn't be hurt like this.

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