chappie 21:running into Tyler then making video

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  • Dedicated to TYLER OAKLEY

Alexandria's POV *I really got tired of writing threw the whole 9 months and now im skipping to the last month and their gonna be in LA okay? sorry*

We just got off the tour bus from our long journey. I was wearing light light pink shorts shorts a black crop top and some wedges. I had my hair up cause if it was down my hair would stick to me like a magnet cause I was sweating....I grabbed my bag and started walking towards the hotel with the boys to go to the room we were in....I got my own room =D. We got our rooms keys and walked to the elevator getting inside and yea you know how an elevator works *do I really have to write it? XD* we reached our floor and we stepped out and walked towards our room doors. I walked inside the doors and lied my suitcase down on the floor and walked over to the little bed they set up it had a mint on it with a little chocolate on it *I went on an cruise and they had that it was really cool* and sat down on the bed unlocking my phone and going on Twitter

Hey there LA im here in your state the boys and performing tonight are you excited? I guess you are right? well bye maybe i'll meet some fans backstage!

I tweeted then closed the app twitter and locked my phone putting it into my back pocket and stood up walking towards the door of the room and walked towards the boys room knocking on there door and asking to go out and walk around. They said yes and I went into the elevator going into the lobby and walking out the hotel.

Matthew's POV

9 months....9.FUCKING.LONG.MONTHS.WITHOUT.ALEXANDRIA.AND.IM.GOING.CRAZYits BEEN 9 MONTHS SINCE ALEXANDRIA LEFT AND I CANT WAIT TILL SHE COMES so lonely without her :( I miss her but tomorrow she will be home she will be home....and I can cuddle kiss and hug her all once again. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and decided to text her.

*M Matthew A Alexandria*

M:Hey :)

A:Hey :D

M:I miss you

A:I miss you to but i'll be home tomorrow

M:I cant wait :3

A:I cant wait ether I can get to see your cute face again

M:I get to see your cute face again

A:-blush emoji-

M:Even though I cant see you your still cute when you blush

Alexandria's POV

here I am in public blushing like an idiot

Matthew's POV


M:Hahaha but im an hot idiot right

A:you sure are a hot idiot -wink emoji-

M:only hot for you -wink emoji-

A:lol well I gotta go bye :3

M:bye babe I love you cya tomorrow -blow kiss and peace sign emoji's-

A:bye -smile emoji-

oh how much I miss her :)

Alexandria's POV

I locked my phone and put it in my back pocket and went into a nearby starbucks and got a smoothie from there. I was walking until I bumped into someone and spilled my smoothie all over them

"sorry....." I looked up and saw Tyler

"TYLER" I screamed and dropped my smoothie cup hugging him *TYLER OAKLEY*

"Hey Alexandria long time not seen" *idk how that goes?*

"Yea glad to see you Tyler....since we haven't been seeing each other like since long time ago....wanna make a video? I asked and he nodded and I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the hotel we was in and I ran up the stairs pulling him burst open the door and sat him down on my bed and I grabbed my camera setting it up and jumped on the bed next to Tyler cause me to bounce up again falling on my butt.

"hahahahahaha OMG -laugh- YOU -laugh laugh laugh- OKAY? -laugh laugh laugh laugh....-" Tyler said

"Yea my butt just hurts" I said getting up and sitting on the bed

"wait did you know that that was recording?" I asked Tyler and he shook his head no. I face palmed. oh my freaking gosh...I shook that off and me and Tyler started the video.

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