Chappie 26: seriously =-=

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Alexandria's POV

I reached school and got out of the bus and walked into the school and went to my locker getting stuff for first class. I locked my locker and walked to class and sat with Matthew and we talked until the teacher came and started her lesson.


I packed up and walked home instead of taking the bus home but before I left the boys (WHO HAVE SISTERS) asked me to babysit them cause they was having guys night. and of course I said yes I walked to their houses and got their sisters. I walked past this lost puppy that was hiding under a bench.

"Awww Hi there little buddy" I said and picked up the cute little puppy and it snuggled into my neck. I carried it home with me and the other girls.

"HI IM HOOOOOOMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and walked inside still holding the puppy in my hands. I saw this girl with bleached blonde hair kind of like mines with hazel eyes. You caN NOT BELIVE WHAT SHE WAS WEARING! IM TO DISGUSTED TO EVEN DESCRIBE IT. I blocked the girls views of seeing her.

"YO! WE HAVE CHILDREN PRESENT GET SOME CLOTHES ON!" she gave me a look of disgust and ran into Harry's room. I walked al the girls to my room and rushed them passed Harry's room and put the puppy in there too.

"HARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and marched right into his room with my hands on my hips. I saw HER their under the cover with Harry.

"What do you think your doing...WITH CHILDREN present here in this house???" I said tapping my foot. the little puppy snowflake ran out my room and came into Harry's room jumping on the bed and growling at them. I picked her up and held her in my hands. the girl gave me a death glare/disgust face/hateful look.

"Who are you anyway!" she spat out in disgust

"I'm Alexandria THERE adopted DAUGHTER to you miss whatever your name is.."

"Well uh her name is Faith and well I met her at a club...and well now we're dating"

"DATING?!?!?! AS IN DATING AS...." I lowered my voice. "sex...." I said.. I left out of the room and went into my room with the puppy and played with the girls until they had to go. I washed up snowflake and dried her up and took a shower myself. I changed into my pajamas and picked up snowflake carrying her into my bed turning out the lights and fell asleep with snowflake cuddling into me.

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