New boy

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Justins pov*

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? I can walk you in Justin." Dad says with a concerned look on his face.
"Dad I'm fine." I reply back rolling my eyes.
He stops the truck and I grab my backpack from he backseat and get out. I close the door and walk in my new school.
I walk inside the office and see a cute tall boy sitting in one of the chairs. He must've been in trouble because when the principal came out he started talking to him saying something about calling his mom. Mr. Smith (the principle) looks at me.
"Are you Justin?"
"Y-yeah." I reply looking down at my feet.
"Hi Justin this is Raegan he's going to show you to all of your classes. And Mr. Beast, you will be expected to eat lunch with him as well."
"So his name is Raegan... that's a cute name... it fits him" Justin thinks to himself.

I know this was short buts it's only the first chapter. I will make them longer.

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