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Justin's pov

My phone buzzed. It was a text from.     "Raegan❤️❤️".
"Hey, its Raegan. We should probably work on that assignment..."
J-" Yea probably"
R- "Wanna come over to my house and work on it?"
J- "Sure... Can you pick me up?"
R- "Ofc... what's your address?"
J- "It's 1234 Romeo Dr." (fake address)
R- "K. Omw"
                            Time skip
                      Raegan's house

Raegan opens the door for me.
"Wow such a gentleman... he's probably just being nice..." Justin thinks to himself.
"So do you want anything to drink? Coke?" Raegan looks at me with his eyebrow raised.
"Uh..." I reply.
"I get so nervous around him.."
"Here just take one." He says and throws it to me. He probably didn't know that I'm not a good catcher.... it hits me square in the face.
"OH MY GOD JUSTIN!!! IM SO SORRY!!!" Raegan says while bending down looking at my head.
                        Raegan's pov

"God I'm so stupid... I should've just handed it to him..."
"OH MY GOD JUSTIN!!! IM SO SORRY!!!" I yelled and bent over to look at his head.
"Did I hurt you?" I say.
We both look into each others eyes at the same time.
"His eyes are so perfect... they're so green."
"Um... no I'm fine." Justin says seeming a little more confident.
Without thinking I lean in and kiss him...
Sorry for the cliffhanger hoesssss
This one was a little bit longer...
Do you want longer chapters or is this a good length? Comment!!!!

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