Date night pt 2❤️👅💦

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Jays POV
I opened my eyes to realize that I had fallen asleep. I looked out the window and saw green hills. Not much different than when I had fallen asleep. "Dad can you at least tell me where we are?" I asked still sounding groggy from sleep. "Nope." I sighed. "Fine I'll just die of boredom back here." I said and watched him roll his eyes. "Justin you're so over dramatic." He laughed and I just slumped down more. I played on my phone for about 20 minutes when I heard a plane sound. I looked out the window and saw the biggest airport I had ever seen. "I-Is that where we're going?" I asked my eyes wide. I have social anxiety which basically means that I have a hard time in public, and airports weren't easy at all for me. "Dad?!" I raise my voice so he can't ignore me. "Yes justin this is where you're going. You have a plane ticket already bought and the plane is going to leave in about 10 minutes so hurry up and grab the suitcase from the trunk then get going kiddo!" He smiles. "And don't forget to have fun bud. I love you." I smile back at him. "Thanks dad. I love you too." I put my phone in my sweatshirt pocket and get out of the car. I hear the trunk pop open so I walk around and open it. A burgundy suitcase with wheels sits there looking really full. At this point I'm wondering how long I'll be in the plane for and how long I'll be wherever it's taking me. I run in the doors and bring my ticket to the front desk. "Hello... Justin Blake. Ahh just the man I've been looking for" As the girl says "man" I beam from ear to ear. "You're plane is leaving in about 2 minutes so you might want to hurry just go around there and you can board." She smiles at me sweetly. "Thank you!" I shout already running towards her directions. I finally board the plane and go to my seat. FIRST CLASS WTH RAEGAN!! I don't deserve first class! Well I wasn't going to complain. I put my suitcase above my head and pop my earbuds in. I put on Spotify and play my favorite playlist. I slowly drift off to sleep. We will be landing in Honolulu Hawaii in about 10 minutes. I hear even through my ear buds. I keep my eyes shut trying to get that extra sleep but it doesn't happen. I'm too excited. I've always wanted to visit Hawaii but my family never really had the money for it. And last time I checked neither did Raegan's. Eventually we landed and I got out of the plane. As I went down the escalators in the airport I seen a sign with my name on it. Holding the sign was a handsome guy in a black suit. "Hi, I'm Justin, Justin Blake." He nods. "Follow me." I follow him with my suitcase rolling behind. We finally reach a run down I car that I was just about to get into when he says. "Oh no sir, not that car, THIS one." He says pointing to a huge limousine. "Whoa.. o-ok." I climb in as he puts my suitcase in the trunk. I close the door and look to the other side. When suddenly I feel lips collide with mine. They feel familiar so I kiss back. Eventually the other person pulls away. And I finally get a good look at them. Those beautiful brown eyes. The cute freckles. And that amazing smile. Raegan. I crash into him with a million feelings. The man I fell in love with is right here with me. "Hey baby boy, did you miss me?" He puts his arms around me. He's so warm. "Of course I missed you babe." I sat back. I can't help but smile from ear to ear. We sit like that the whole way to the hotel that Raegan says we'll be staying at. When we finally reach our destination I look out the window and see a beautiful resort. "Almost as beautiful as you baby boy." Raegan says sweetly
CAN YOU BELIEVE I UPDATED?!? Wow. I keep being inactive I'm sorry! I have a lot of stuff going on. But I hope you enjoyed this!! I love y'all and thanks for 1k reads!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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