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                            Justin's pov
I woke up and turned around to face Raegan. I expected to see him sleeping soundly, but he wasn't there!! I quickly looked around the whole room. He wasn't here!! I heard him scream... it sounded like it was coming from downstairs. I quickly jumped up still in just my boxers from last night. I ran downstairs skipping some steps. He screamed again!!! It sounded like he was in major pain. He was in the basement! I started running down the steps until I reached half way then I jumped down the rest. I looked around until I saw him. Sitting in a chair tied up. Only one light was on above him. He looked at me... he had been crying. There were cuts all over him. I ran over to him to try to help him out but just before I could reach him someone tackled me... I hit my head really hard and everything was turning blurry and black for a couple seconds until I opened my eyes and saw myself in the mirror. I was next to Raegan with a gun in my hand. "Shoot him!!" I deep voice boomed. I looked over and seen someone standing there but I couldn't see his face. "I-I can't.." I said my voice trailing off. "Do it or I will and when I do it, it will be a whole lot more painful!" The guy said laughing. I looked at Raegan, I took the tape off of his mouth and kissed him. "I love you Justin" he said "Just do it" he said and closed his eyes. I pointed the gun and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes not hearing the gun firing... I looked up and saw the ceiling above my bed. I turned over and saw Raegan sleeping there soundly. I kissed him on his forehead and started crying. I slowly got up off of the bed so I wouldn't wake him. I opened the door and walked into my bathroom. I closed and locked the door. I opened the drawer underneath the sink and stared at the things that had always been there for me. I picked one of the blades up and felt it's cool metal. I slowly put it to my arm and cut my wrist. Instant pain flooded my whole arm as the blood dripped down. I cut again and again maybe 6 or 7 times then placed it back in the drawer. I had been clean for months until now. I opened the bathroom door and walked out. I walked back inside my room and pulled on my hoodie. I walked downstairs and started making breakfast. After about 10 minutes Raegan walked down. He gave me a hug from behind and kissed me on the cheek.
"Hey, baby boy." He said whispering in my ear.
"Hey" I said smiling. He made me so happy. I instantly regretted cutting myself and then my smiled disappeared. I tried to hide it from him but he saw anyway. He turned me around and saw the tear fall down my cheek. He looked me in the eyes and wiped the tear away.
"Justin... what's wrong?" He said.
"Nothing" I said turning around and walking away. He grabbed my arm. I winced hoping he wouldn't see but of course he did. He turned me around and pulled up my sleeve. Once he saw he instantly started tearing up.
"Baby boy I'm so sorry" he said pulling me to his chest. He started playing with my hair. I started crying. After a couple seconds his shirt was soaked.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He said holding my face in his hands.
"I-I-I" I couldn't get the words out.
"Hey calm down. Take a few deep breaths." He said. I took a deep breath and looked at his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
"I had a nightmare and and well... I had to kill you..." I said crying. "I can't lose you, I won't survive. And eventually you'll get tired of me and leave.." I said looking down at my feet.
"I can promise you that I will never leave you Justin. You're the love of my life. If I lost you, I would lose myself. You're my happiness" he said as he kissed my forehead. "How about I call us both in sick and we can cuddle all day and watch high school musical. Ok?"
"Ok" I said smiling a little. He called in for both of us and grabbed the blankets. We laid down on the couch and I soon fell asleep again.
                         Raegans pov
After a while I started hearing soft snores and looked down. Justin was sleeping on my chest. I pulled my phone out and took a picture and posted it on instagram. "Cutie💞" was the caption. After a couple seconds everyone was commenting. "OMG YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!"
"You guys are SO cute"
There were also a few negative ones but I ignored those. He was my baby boy. He was my world and no matter what I wasn't going to leave him.
So I know it's been a while since I updated. I've been really busy lately. So I made this one really long. I hope you enjoyed!!! 885 words!!!!!

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