New boy pt. 2

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Raegans pov*

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I said looking at Justin's plate.
"I-I had a big breakfast." Justin said looking at the table. I reached over and touched his arm.
"Hey, it's okay... I don't bite." I said and smiled at him.
"He started laughing. His smile was so cute and his laugh made me smile harder.... I'm straight... I shouldn't be thinking these things." Raegan thought to himself.
6th hour (last hour)
"We have a new assignment. This assignment will be the remainder of the school year, you will have partners. And before you ask, I have already picked them for you. Your partners are,  Taylor and Britney, Makenzie and Chloe, Justin and Raegan, Josh and Kyle, Kylie and Natalie, Luke and Adrain. Get their numbers and work with them at home."
Justin looks at me and starts walking over.
"Um.... Th-This is my number, text me when we get out of school." He says and quickly walks away.
"He's so cute." I think to myself and smile.

I know this one was short too but the next one will hopefully be longer. Thanks for the support so far!!!

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