Date night❤️💦👅

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I woke up and it was still dark outside. I slowly sat up trying not to wake Justin and walked to the bathroom. After I was done I walked out and checked my phone. It was 6 am and I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to bed. I had to find something to do. A thought instantly popped into my head. I looked around for my backpack and opened it. I pulled out a pen and a notebook. I started writing.
Justin's POV
I woke up and looked for Raegan. I couldn't find him. He had probably just went to go get something to eat and would be home shortly. I checked my phone and seen a text message from "Raegan❤️😍". It said "Hey babyboy, I hope you slept good. I hope you're not freaking out about me being gone... but I'm not coming back. You have to find me. The first clue is in the kitchen. I love you! Good luck!❤️" I turned off my phone and ran to the kitchen. I didn't like surprises but this one might just be worth while. I looked on the counter and saw Taco Bell. Inside the bag was a note. "You found the first clue!! Eat up babyboy and go to your room. I set out an outfit for you!" I quickly ate and ran up to my room. On my bed there was a new blue tie die sweatshirt, white ripped jeans, and baby blue Jordan high tops. I picked them up and ran to the bathroom. I wanted to take a shower first. After my shower I got dressed and was about to walk out when a saw a note on the back of the door. "Take your car and drive it to where we had our first real date." I ran downstairs and picked up the keys. After a little bit of trying to start the car, I took off down to Maria De Le Vie. It was a really expensive restaurant that Raegan had taken me too when we first started dating. I walked in not knowing what to expect and saw a waiter walk up to me. He must've been the waiter we had when we had our date because he looked very familiar. "Hi, Justin. Raegan wanted me to give you this." He said and handed me a bag. I opened it and pulled out a hat. It was Raegan's old hat that I always used in my musicallys. I put it on and walked out. My car was gone. WTH!!! I looked around for it and it wasn't there. I must've left my keys in there and someone stole it. I pulled out my phone to call 911 when someone walked up to me. "Hey bud." I looked up and it was my dad. "DAD!!!" I ran and jumped on him. "A little excited huh?" I laughed "A little." We hugged for about another 30 seconds when I finally let go. "So, are you still wondering about your car?" I looked at him with confusion. "I forgot all about it. Someone must've stolen it dad. I left the keys in the" "it's over here justin. Raegan told me he had a little thing planned so I flew up to see you. It was all Raegan's idea. You won't be needing your car. I'm taking you to your next destination." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Ok." We walked over to his car and got in. He forced me to sit in the backseat. "Dad where are we going?" "I can't tell ya son." I rolled my eyes and played on my phone. Hopefully this wasn't going to be a long ride. I was already starting to get bored.
Hey. Hi. How's it going? (Actually answer because I wanna know) sorry I haven't updated in a while. I made two new story's. One is called daddy jay and the other one is called babygirl and it's about Raegan. Go check them out! Love you guys❤️❤️

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