Assignment pt.2

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                           Justin's pov

He kissed me and of course I kissed back. I really liked him. After a few seconds we both pulled away.
"Sorry, you were just too cute, I couldn't help myself.." Raegan said blushing a little.
"I liked it.." I said blushing while looking down smiling.
"Good, so did I." He said and before I knew it he was kissing me again. I pulled away after a little while.
"So, does this mean we're...." I said looking away for a second.
"Justin drew Blake... would you like to be my boyfriend?" He said grabbing my face so I would look at him.
"Yes yes yes yes yessss.... I would love to be your boyfriend!" I said and jumped into his arms.
                          Raegans pov

He said yes!! He really said yes!! We hugged for awhile.
"So... ya think we might want to get to that assignment?" I said laughing still hugging him. He let go.
"Oh yeah, I guess we should." He said and smiled. His smile was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I was so glad he was mine.
                               Time skip
                            Justin's pov

After a while of working on that assignment, I felt my phone start buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and looked at it. My dad was calling me.
"Hey bud, how was your first day?"
"Uh... it was good I made a friend..." I said and looked at raegan smiling.
"That's great! Well listen bud, I'm not gonna be able to come home today... or for another week.." He started saying but I cut him off.
"Why?!?! What happened Dad!!!?" I yelled into the phone a little pissed off.
"It's work, I'm sorry I really have to go I love you!" He said and hung up. I set my phone down and laid across Raegan.
"What happened baby boy?" Raegan said and started playing with my hair.
"My dads not coming home for a whole week... I hate staying here alone..." I start to say but didn't  finish.
"Why not?" He said looking into my eyes. "It's okay you can tell me."
"It's just I get scared when no one else is here..." I say kinda embarrassed.
"I can stay here, my mom won't mind at all!" He said smiling. His smile lit up the whole room.
Not a cliffhanger but oh well... this one seemed a little longer. What do y'all want Justin and Raegan to do all week??😏😏 Comment suggestions. Thanks for the support!!!

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