Chapter 1: Eagle Two

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"Guy's, twelve hour shift. Plenty of OT. Be grateful we're spending it at the Royal York. Four star hotel, great bathrooms" Greg explains as Team One sits around the table in the briefing room. "Come on. It's the millennium forum. Smartest people in the world are going to be there. You guys might learn something" he continues as he looks around at all the tired and bored faces.

Spike looks up at him and smiles. "What? Standing in the lobby?" he questions. Greg then looks straight into his eyes and smirks. "Osmosis. I live in hope" Greg advises sarcastically.

Sally hands him two files and Greg looks down at them. "David Grant. He's our principal. Call him eagle one. You've heard of this guy right?" he asks as he looks around the table. "Tell me you read the newspaper and know who this guy is. Billionaire industrial titan, turned billionaire human rights crusader" Greg explains as he holds up the other file. "The beautiful wife Katherine. She runs their foundation. Now Grant is in town doing the welcome speech, a big fancy cocktail party at the hotel. The Security Guards were on him but?" he asks as he looks over towards Sally who was sitting next to him.

"Some bushily rock star showed up without his own security detail and now-" she begins to say. "They need us. Grant gives his keynote speech at seven tonight, vip bus takes him to the airport, we go home, take out the garbage, and walk the dog" Greg advises. Team One looks around at each other and smiles. "Awe, walk the dog" Alex snickers sarcastically. "I didn't know we had a dog. Gosh, I'm glad your there to take care of it or it would probably be dead by now" Alex laughs, followed by the rest of the team as Greg looks at her with a small smile. "Funny" he simply states.

"We don't even have to do a wreaking on this thing, it's already done. We got itinerary, floorplans, underground access, service elevators. And look they already have staff security checks" Greg explains as he hand Alex the paper and Spike leans over and looks at it. "Sam, you're my second today" Greg than states. "Spike, Wordy, Louis, you're working access" he continues.

Spike looks up at him quickly. "By access, you mean?" he questions. "Exits and revolving doors" Greg sighs. "Awesome" Spike states sarcastically as he looks over at Wordy and Lou. "Alex, your primary on the wife. Lets call her eagle two, just for fun. You know why? Because this job is going to be fun" Greg smiles as he looks towards Spike with wide eyes. "What about Ed?" Alex asks confused as she watches her dad slowly start to go crazy.

He looks at her quickly and pushes his chair back. "Ed. I would say is looking pretty damn sharp" he states as he looks behind the Team. Team One turns around in their chairs and are shocked when they see Ed standing there in a black tux. "Nice!" Alex smiles. "Could you try and be a little professional?" Eddie shrugs as the team laughs. "Could you just try to be a little professional? As you can no doubt see, Mr. Lane is primary on Eagle One. Alex, you're going to need some plain clothes today" Greg explains and Alex nods. "Questions?" he then asks as he looks around the table.

After the meeting Alex walks towards the locker room and notices a bag with clothes in in. "Dad" she whispers as she shakes her head slowly. She walks over to it and opens it up to find a black dress with a dress coat. "Perfect" she states as she changes out of her uniform. She walks over to the mirror and fixes her ponytail, straightening it. "There. All done" she says as she walks towards the door and fixes her black high heel shoe.

"Wow!" Spike quietly says as he walks by the locker room and stops. "Thank you" Alex chirps as she looks down at her dress. "How am I going to focus today?" Spike questions as Lou walk up to us. "Your going to focus, because you have this amazing guy with you" Alex smiles. "Always" Lou snickers. "Have a great day, boys" Alex winks as she walks between them and towards the briefing room. Lou and Spike watch her as she continues to walk away. "Dude, I swear, your girlfriend is the meaning of perfection" Lou states as Spike looks over at him and hits him on the arm. "Dude. Get your own girl" he laughs.

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