Chapter 3: Between Heartbeats

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As Alex walks into headquarters, she starts to feel a little out of place. "Hey, Alex!" Sally cheers. Alex looks up at her quickly and confused. "Hey" she whispers. "Is everything okay?" she asks concerned. "Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine" Alex quickly admits. "Okay" Sally slowly questions as Alex continues to walk towards the locker room to change.

After she is done she heads down the hall towards the weapons room. "Eight, is that enough?" Sam's voice questions as Alex peeks around the corner and spots Jules and Sam standing in the caged off area. "Yeah" Jules smiles as she reaches her hand out and Sam hands her the bullets. "You still have Santorini blue on your hand - Got to use the thinner" Sam states as he takes Jules hand in his. Jules then quickly pulls it away and smirks at him. "Yeah, maybe if you left me some" she whispers.

Sam looks down at her and smiles. "I'll bring you some more tonight" he teases. Alex quickly walks into the room and sits up on the empty table. "Wow, Flowers, bottle of thinner....Instant romance right there" she snickers, causing Sam and Jules to quickly turn around shocked. "Alex!" Jules laughs. "How do you do that? You're like a freaking ninja" Sam exaggerates as he holds his hand over his heart. Alex laughs and then looks at Sam. "Hey, by the way, it's not Santorini blue, it's Santorini sky" Alex smiles as the door to the weapons room opens.

"Guys, done with the restock?" Greg's voice questions over Alex and Jules snickers. "Yeah" Sam answers as he turns around and looks at him in the doorway. "Alex, come with me? You two, we're meeting in the briefing room" Greg explains as Alex jumps down off the table and walks towards Greg. "Okay" Jules voice agrees.

Before Alex walks out the door that her father is holding open he quickly closes it and smiles at Jules. "Jules, how, uh how are the renovations coming?" he asks as he walks back past Alex. "Really good, one room left" Jules answers quickly. "A renovation ahead of schedule. Wow, you getting any help?" Greg asks curiously and Jules quickly shakes her head. "No" she states.

Sam looks down at her shocked and Alex snickers causing Greg and Jules to turn around to look at her quickly. Alex then covered it up with a little cough. "Sorry. Throat was itchy" she smiles. Greg nods and looks back at Jules. "Your own two hands, that's amazing. That's got to feel good" he smiles. "Yeah, it does" Jules agrees as Greg turns around slowly. "Okay. Briefing room. Both of you, five minutes" he smiles as he walks back towards the door.

Alex follows her dad away from the weapons room and looks over at him confused. "What?" he asks uncomfortably. "What was that about?" Alex questions curiously. "What was what about?" Greg quickly questions. "Dad" Alex huffs. "Alex. Look. What I need you to do, is go talk to Wordy. That day was stressful for all of us. But this team, we have to be able to work as a team. Right now, that is not where the two of you are at" Greg quickly explains as he points down the hall. "Go. You have five minutes" he continues.

Alex sighs and shakes her head as she begins to walk down the hall slowly. She then turns around and notices her father walking into the briefing room. "Alex!" Wordy's voice shouts down the hall, causing Alex to turn around quickly. "Wait up" he says. He runs up to Alex and stops in front of her. "Alex, I'm so sorry for what I said to you. You have to know that I didn't mean any of it. It...It was just a long day, and-" he explains as Alex holds up her hand to stop him. "I know. But you were right. I do put myself in danger. You just have to realize that I will do anything to protect this team and whoever else needs to be saved...Even if that does mean putting myself in danger. But, I would never cross the line" Alex smiles. Wordy looks down at her and smiles back. "We're okay, right?" he asks. "We're okay" Alex smiles.

Alex watches as Wordy walks back towards the locker room. She then turns and walks into the briefing room to see her dad and Eddie. "Look at you. Got three hours till vacation. Someone's already on the dock with his fishing rod and his nice, cold beer" Alex grins as she walks over to Eddie and gives him a hug. "I'm right here for you, Kiddo. You know why? No, I in team" Eddie chuckles sarcastically as Alex pushes away laughing. "That's good. You can take the next prank call...Kick some swatter ass before you go" she states as Eddie's phone begins to ring in his pocket.

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