Chapter 4: Business as Usual

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"Alex, stop!" Doctor Lori yells as Alex reaches for the handle of the door. Lori sat in a chair behind her near the window in a small room at the SRU headquarters. Alex lowers her hand slowly and turns around to look at her. "I'm fine" she whispers. "You might think that...But, Alex you held a gun up at your father. Eddie, Wordy, Spike, and Lou had their guns pointed at you" Lori explains as if Alex didn't already know. "Actually, I don't believe it was me. Maybe my alter ego, but it wasn't me" Alex jokes as she crosses her arms over her chest.

Lori gets up off the chair and slowly walks over towards Alex. "Your alter ego is a second personality that is inside of us, Alex. It tends to be the opposite of what our conscious self shows" Lori mentions as she nods her head slowly. "Of course you have a definition for and alter ego memorized" Alex whispers as she walks past Lori and sighs. "Look  I would never hurt anyone on this team Lori, and you know that" Alex snaps. "I know. That's why I'm letting you go" Lori then says, causing Alex to stop and look back at her shocked. "You can rejoin Team one, but no weapons" Lori smiles as a big grin appears on Alex's face. "About time! Thank you" Alex laughs as she hugs Lori before opening the door and quickly running out of the room. 

Alex runs down the hall and towards the briefing room and stops as she notices Team One turn around. "So?" Eddie asks quickly. "Guess who's back on Team One!" Alex shouts excitedly. Everyone stands up from their chairs clapping and cheering as they all walk towards Alex. "Congrats, Little Parker" Wordy smiles as he hugs Alex. "How do you feel?" Eddie then questions. "I feel great. I have missed you guys so much" Alex answers as she looks around at the team. "So, recruiting huh? Three hundred, now you're down to six. They better be amazing" Alex continues as she notices the bored full of notes and pictures. 


Alex sticks with her father and Eddie as they stand and watch the recruits fight in the training room. Alex slowly walks around the circle and notices one of them staring at her. She rolls her eyes and walks up to him. "What? What are you looking at?" She asks quickly. "You, of course. How old are you?" the guy asks confused. "I'm nineteen, but that really wasn't any of your business" Alex smirks sarcastically. "How did you make it to the SRU, if you're only nineteen? You probably can't even fight" the guy laughs as he looks over his shoulder at his friend.

Greg and Eddie smiles as they watch Alex take a deep breath. "What is she doing?" Spike asks curious as him, Lou, and Wordy all walk towards them. "He just said that he doesn't think she can fight" Greg smiles. "Wrong choice" Wordy's voice says quietly. "So, now she's proving a point" Eddie laughs quietly.

Quickly Alex takes the guy's arm and twists it, throwing him over her shoulder and making him land in the middle of the circle with a thud. The recruits all gasp shocked and some look away, as Alex releases his arm and looks down at him with a big smile. "What were you saying?" she questions. The guy quickly shakes his head and gets up, walking quickly back to his spot in the circle. "Okay. Now that the snarky remarks are done...Continue what you were doing" Alex demands as she walks out and towards the team. "I hate people who underestimate me" she laughs, causing the rest of them to laugh as well. 


Alex and Greg sit down in the briefing room and interview all of them one by one. Suddenly, a woman with blond hair comes in that Team One has had a close eye on. "Donna Sabine. Nice to meet you, I'm Alex, this is Sergeant Greg Parker. We're just going to ask you some very simple questions. Okay?" Alex explains as she shakes Donna's hand and she nods. "Why The SRU?" Greg begins as he looks up from his note book. "Probably the same as you. There's no place like this. No work like this" Donna explains as Greg hands Alex her file.

"With your skills, You could work any number of different places. You did well in undercover" Alex advises. Donna sighs and smiles. "Yeah. I've done my time behind enemy lines" she states. "Enemy?" Greg questions confused as he leans forward slightly. "Sorry, I don't mean-" she begins to say. "No, you know, the whole war zone imagery thing doesn't really fly around here" Greg admits quietly. "Okay, sorry...You know what I mean though" Donna says quickly as she leans forward in her chair. "Do I?" Greg questions, casing Donna to look up at him confused and a little scared.

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