Chapter 7: The Perfect Storm

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Alex sits in the little office of the training room alone, as small random thoughts fill her head. Suddenly, the door opens causing Alex to snap back and turn around. "There you are" Spike smiles as he comes into the office and closes the door. "Here I am" Alex smiles as she stands up from the chair, and throws her arms around the back of Spike's neck, giving him a deep passionate kiss on the lips.

Spike wraps his arms around Alex's back and looks down at her. "What were you thinking about?" he whispers. "Nothing" she says quietly and Spike looks down at her not convinced. "Everything" Alex then sighs. "That's more like you" Spike laughs, making Alex snicker. "Yeah, it is." There is a short few second pause and Alex slowly looks back up at Spike. "I love you" she states quietly with a grin on her face. "I love you" he smiles as he leans down and kisses her sweetly.

Alex walks back out towards the lobby and notices a familiar face standing next to Winnie's desk. "Look who dropped in. How are you?" Alex asks loudly as she walks over towards Jules with open arms. "Oh my gosh. Except from missing seeing your face every morning, I've been good" Jules smiles as she wraps her arms around Alex. "So you ready to get back to work today?" Alex questions and Jules looks up at her confused. "Really? What about Donna?" she asks. "Well, team three had a spot with her name all over it. She couldn't help but take it" Alex explains.

Jules eyes become wide as a big smile appears on her face. "Of course!" Jules almost screams. Alex laughs and nods her head. "Then go get dressed!" she smiles. Jules looks down at Alex and notices she is not in her uniform. Instead she is wearing dark blue skinny jeans, with a white spaghetti strap shirt and a grey cardigan. "What about you. Why haven't you changed?" Jules questions as she begins to walk towards the locker room. "I'm on my way to Wellesley Collegiate. Time to practice my Undercover skills, and go back to school!" Alex says excitedly in a sarcastic tone as she walks backwards towards the main doors with her arms up in the air. "What fun" Jules jokes. "Definitely" Alex sighs as she pushes the main doors open and walk out towards her car. 

Once Jules is changed, she heads over towards the guys locker room and peeks in to see Sam. She knocks on the locker beside the door, making him look over towards her. "Decent?" she questions. "Yeah" he says quietly as she walks in and smiles. "So?" she asks awkwardly. "So?" he replies. "First day back. You nervous?" Sam questions curiously. "Nah. So, I heard...I heard you took some time off. Beaches and margaritas?" Jules smiles. "Yeah, a little R&R. But, I also went back to the base" Sam states as he puts his shirt on. "Really? Wow, I thought, uh, I thought you and your dad-" Jules stutters and Sam quickly places a hand on her shoulder. "When the general summons, you don't say no" he laughs.

Jules smiles and looks back up. "What was it about?" she asks curiously. "Well, he pulled some strings and he wants me back in the military where I can really make a difference" Sam huffs annoyed by the mention of his father and his stupid rules. "Nice. What did you say?" Jules questions as she leans up against the locker. "I said, I can make a difference here" Sam admits strongly. "Good for you" Jules cheers and Sam quickly looks back out of his locker and down at her. "He thought he heard me wrong, cause it didn't sound like Yes, Sir. Anyways, dealing with my dad, that was the easy part" Sam explains slowly and Jules looks at him confused. "What was the hard part?" she asks. "When my mom asked when she gets to meet you" Sam advises quickly and Jules stands there, looking at him shocked.


Alex walks upstairs towards the art room and smiles as she walks in and notices all the students painting on large canvas'. The bell suddenly rings and makes her jump as the students quickly grab their bags and leave the classroom, not even acknowledging that she was there. "One day Alex. Just one day. You can do this" she whispers to herself as she looks around the room, and notices a red haired boy still standing looking at his painting.

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