*Authors Note*

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Hey guys!

Sorry that's it's been so long since an update. My boss has me working crazy hours almost every day and it drives me crazy!

I have started to write chapter 11 and it's going good. Alex's attitude and curiosity is back! I will write more of it after work tomorrow. But both Saturday and Sunday I'm working middle of the day shifts so hopefully I can finish the chapter on Monday or Tuesday.

I have missed writing this book so much and I get mad at myself all the time for not writing more. But more is coming, I promise!

Thank you all so much for reading and voting, and thank you for being patient. Like I said, I know it's been a long time, and I'm REALLY sorry 😔 But I promise I will finish the chapter soon.

Love you all,

                                 Angela_Tillson ♥️

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