Chapter 12: You Think You Know Someone

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"Alex I want to talk to you before I head out" Greg calls as he pours himself some coffee in the kitchen and  hears Alex's footsteps along the floor as she walks out of her room. "Whats up?" she asks sitting down at the island and smiling towards her dad as he turns around and leans against the counter. 

Greg didn't know how to start this conversation so he just decided to ask a simple question. "Are you happy?" he asks, and Alex looks up at him confused. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" she then questions with a smile and he shrugs his shoulders before he takes a deep breath and looks towards the cup in his hands. "Alex" he begins. "Tell me about you and Spike" he then says and Alex's smile quickly disappears. "What do you mean?" she quickly asks. "Alex. Please" he begs and Alex looks down at her hands as she plays with her fingers. She holds her breath and deeply sighs as she looks back up at her father. "I love him, Dad" she whispers, and Greg slowly nods his head. He then walks around the island, "I know" he says as he sits down next to her as Alex quickly looks towards him shocked. "You know?" she questions confused. "You're my daughter Alex. How couldn't I know?" he snickers as he takes another sip of his coffee and Alex looks back down at her hands causing Greg to place his cup on the island and take her hands in his.

"I see how happy you are. I see your eyes light up when Spike walks into the briefing room. Alex, I've known for a while" he says showing a small smile. "And now what? It's against the rules, dad. But I can't loose him" she protests. "I never said you had to" Greg advises, causing Alex to look at him confused once again. "What are you saying?" Alex then asks, feeling butterflies in her stomach. "I'm saying that if your happy, I'm not going to stop you. Neither will Ed. We've known about you two and we have seen how happy you both have been. But, the moment he hurts you-" Greg begins to explain but Alex cuts him off by throwing her arms around him and laughing. "I love you, dad," she says. "I love you too" he whispers as he closes his eyes and places his hand on the back of her head. 

Alex then releases her grip, and Greg grabs his coffee cup as he stand up and walks back around the island. "So, I will meet you at the station. I just have a quick stop to make" Greg smiles as he places his cup in the sink, before grabbing his keys off the hook. "Copy that" Alex smiles as she watches Greg open the door, and her eyes then go wide as she spots Spike about to knock. "Oh, yeah. I called Spike. Thought you would like a ride into work today" Greg smiles looking back at Alex and then turning around giving Spike a pat on the back before leaving.

Spike walks in and closes the front door, and then turns back to see Alex. "They knew" he smiles. "They knew" Alex nods as she runs towards him and places a soft kiss on his lips. They were finally free to be themselves.


Greg drives quickly through the city as he listens to the radio. "Traffic and weather on the tens.
Gardner heavy both ways, with two right lanes blocked eastbound at Jameson. Emergency crews are on the scene
" the anchorman says when suddenly his phone goes off and he picks it up to check the text.





Greg checks the time on his wrist as the anchorman keeps talking on the radio. "You can use Lakeshore as an alternative. Parkway is running trouble-free. The four o'one express and collectors not too bad. Some slowdowns near the four hundred. Weather forecast: grey skies today; humid, expect showers and maybe a thunderstorm" he says as Greg sighs, and places his phone back down in the cup holder.


"This the softest area, right there" Wordy says pointing at blueprints as Team One sits around the briefing room table talking about tactics. "He's right" Leah informs. "Please!" Spike snickers as he walks towards the blueprints. "We start here, we're way better covered" he explains pointing to a spot, and Sam laughs. "Give it up, Patton" Sam says. "He's still right" Leah advises shrugging her shoulders. "You know what? You got a thing for Wordy, okay?, that's what that is" Spike smiles pointing at Leah and everyone laughs.

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