Chapter 9: Never Let You Down

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"I've been thinking about this all day" Lou begins to explain. "I've been thinking of ways that I could save you" he cries as Alex notices a tear fall from his eye and she takes a deep breath.

"It was...Uhm...It was Lou" Alex admits slowly and they all quickly look around frantically. "No" Spike says shaking his head in disbelief.

"Alex?" a voice questions concerned, causing Alex to take a deep breath and look towards her bedroom door to see Sophie standing there. "Hey, Sophie" Alex sighs with a small smile on her face as she looks down at her phone to see the 'one new voicemail' notification, but pushes it under her covers. Sophie walks over towards the bed and sits down on the edge, looking back at Alex. "How are you doing?" she asks curiously and quietly. "Did my dad or Eddie tell you to come in and check on me?" Alex questions. "No" she begins and Alex looks at her unconvinced. "Maybe" she snickers, causing Alex to snicker as well.

Alex's smile quickly fades and she looks back down to her hands on her lap. She could feel a tear fall from her eye, and she raises her hand to wipe it away. "Alex" Sophie sighs as her hand goes to touch Alex's but Alex quickly pulls away and gets up off the bed. "I need to get ready for work" she protests with more frustration than she intended. Sophie gets up slowly, nodding her head. "Okay" she whispers and walks towards the door. "Sophie!" Alex then shouts and Sophie looks back. "I'm sorry" Alex whispers. "No, sweetheart. I'm sorry" Sophie says with a small smile before she disappears around the corner as she walks towards the living room.

Alex reaches under her covers, grabbing her phone and sighs as she notices the little light flashing in the corner. It's been a week since Lou died and she hasn't been back to work since. It has also been a week since she has seen Spike, or even talked to him. Everything felt so...wrong.

After a long and silent car ride to the station with her dad and Eddie. Alex opens the door and steps out looking around the parking lot. She then stands with the door open and closes her eyes.

"Hey beautiful!" Lou's voice shouts as Alex walks through the parking lot. She turns around and smiles as she sees both him and Spike walking towards her. "Hey handsome" she shouts back. "Okay, woah! Is there something I'm missing here?" Spike questions confused and sarcastically. "Nope, just your best friend, and your girlfriend having some fun tormenting you" Lou laughs as he throws his arm around Spike's shoulder.

Alex takes a deep breath as she open her eyes and notices Eddie and her dad looking at her. "Who's ready for work?" she questions as she closes the car door and walks quickly into the station with them following behind her. "What can I do, Eddie?" Greg asks frustrated. "Just let her figure things out herself. It was her birthday, and she lost her best friend. I think all she needs right now, is time" Eddie explains.

"Your phone has been turned off all day. I know this because I called you. I left a voicemail to explain everything" he quickly explains. "What?" Alex questions. "Also, I left a gift for you in your locker. I put it there this morning, before we left" Lou continues.

His voice rang through Alex's ears as she stands frozen, staring at her locker door. "Alex?" Jules voice questions. "Yeah?" Alex asks with a smiles as she turns around and looks back at Jules. "You getting ready?" she asks. "Yeah. Tell my dad. I'll be out there in a second" Alex answers and watches as Jules nods her head and leaves the locker room. Alex takes another deep breath and opens her locker door, grabbing her uniform. She looks towards the top shelf and notices a small box with a white bow. She reaches her hand up and grabs it.

When Alex opened the tiny box she smiles as a gold necklace with the letter "A" lays inside of it. Inside the gold letter were three little diamonds. She lifted it up slowly and takes a deep breath feeling an ache in her heart. "Thank you, Lou" she whispers as she puts it round her neck then goes to change.

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