Chapter 11: The Farm

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Wordy walks into the gym at the SRU Headquarters and notices Spike punches the punching bag harder then he has ever seen him hit it before. "You break that bag, they don't give us another one" Wordy explains with a bit of a snicker. "You know what? I'm just a little frustrated. Is that okay?" Spike asks annoyed as he stops punching the bag to look up at Wordy, noticing him raising his hands in the air. "Woah, no need to bite my head off. I was just joking around" Wordy protests, backing slowly away from him. Spike sighs and looks over his shoulder into the conference room to see Alex and Greg talking about something. Alex then looks up at him and shows a small, but forced smile and Spike looks away, not being able to look at her after what happened.

He still couldn't believe that she would keep it a secret from him, even though she wasn't even pregnant. It just makes him wonder what it would have been like if she was.

"Clark's beating me up. He wants to go to a party. I won't let him go. It's just a hassle" Eddie explains to Wordy as he walks away from Spike. "What's the big deal?" Wordy asks confused, watching Eddie sit up and place the weights back on the floor. "I'll tell you what the big deal is, there's no parental supervision" Eddie states. "Ah, parents are away, kid takes advantage?" Wordy smiles and Eddie nods his head. "You're telling me you never went to a party like that when you were Clark's age?" Wordy laughs as he reaches a hand out to help Eddie stand up. "Why do you think I don't want him to go?" Eddie smiles patting Wordy on the shoulder as a thank you. "No offence, Ed, but your kid plays the cello. I don't know how much trouble he's really gonna get into" Wordy jokes beginning to walk away. "Funny...Very funny" Eddie yells and is suddenly interrupted by the sound of Winnie's voice on the PA.

"Team One, hot call! Hostage situation! Gas station. Five eighty two Brock Road!" she informs and Team One stop everything they are doing and runs towards the large garage.

They all put on their uniforms and are about to jump into the SUVs but Spike freezes, noticing that he was about to jump into the SUV with Alex. "Spike! Lets go!" Alex yells but Spike stops and turns to Sam's SUV behind them and notices Jules looking at him. Jules notices what he wants to do and nods her head annoyed as they both run and switch places. "So I'm guessing that he is still pissed at you" Jules sighs as she closes the door and Alex puts the SUV in drive. "Oh yeah! Is he ever" Alex informs. "Pissed about what?" Leah then asks making Jules and Alex both look at her, now realizing that she was sitting in the back seat. "Jesus, Leah" Alex breaths.  "Nothing important" Jules lies and Alex continues to quickly drives out of the garage behind her dad.

Team One drives through the busy streets of the city avoiding all the other cars on the road and speeding through intersections, as the sirens echo around them.

Once they arrive at the gas station they see Police Officers talking and people starting to gather around to see what the commotion was about. "Alright, Leah, Wordy, cover the exits. We need a hard perimeter on this" Eddie demands as the Team go into the trunks of their vehicles and grab their guns. "Copy that!" both of them say as Leah follows behind Wordy who holds the shield. "Sam, let me know how many hostages we got in there" Eddie then demands again looking at the small old building in front of him. "We might be able to get a snake cam in through the garage" Spike advises and Sam runs off. "I'm on it" he states quickly. "Okay, Spike, get the truck" Eddie yells turning to look at him and nods his head slightly. "Copy that." Spike says.

"How many subjects did you say?" Greg asks a First Responder who was a female Police Officer with her hair in a messy bun. "Just one. A woman. At least one hostage. Maybe more" she explains. "You have any contact with her?" Greg then questions looking back at her and she slowly shakes her head. "She started screaming at us to go away, waving the gun around. Seems unstable" she advised. "Who called 911?" Alex asks curiously as she walks towards them looking down at the tablet in her hands, and the Police Officer lifts her arm up and points at a man across the street. "Okay, thanks a lot. Lets go, Alex" Greg says as Alex hands him the tablet, before they both turn and walk across the street towards the man who looked a little worried and afraid.

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