Chapter 6: The Perfect Family

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Sam walks towards the briefing room looking down at his phone, when out of nowhere a familiar voice clears her throat. "What are you doing here?" Sam questions as he looks over at Jules shocked and confused. "That's a nice way to say hi" Jules laughs as she turns her head and looks around. "Sorry. I didn't expect to see you. Glad you came by" Sam replies. "Actually, I came to talk to one of the boss's" Jules smiles. "I think Sarge is in the locker room, but I don't know where Alex-" Sam begins to say when suddenly an excited scream comes from behind him.

"Jules!" Alex shouts. "Alex!" she smiles as she runs towards her and wraps her arms around her back. "Oh my gosh. Look at you! What are you doing here?" Alex questions confused. "Actually I came to talk to you" Jules answers. "Well, shall we" Alex snickers as both of them smiles towards Sam before heading into the briefing room.

As Jules sits downs she looks at Alex with sympathy. "I heard about your tough call" she mentions quietly as Alex slowly takes a seat beside her. "Which one? Because apparently I'm a magnet for them" Alex asks sarcastically. "Alex, your first kill is the worst. And yours was a cop" Jules explains slowly.  "Yeah well, it's done. It happened" Alex sighs. "Are you okay?" Jules asks concerned. "I'm fine" Alex whispers as they hear Sam and Spike laughs in the main lobby.

Alex and Jules look out the door and a smile appears on Alex's face as Spike looks up and winks at her. "He has been a huge help. Working with him by my side, it makes it easier to control all of my emotions and....explosions" Alex laughs. "Does Sarge know yet?" Jules questions. "No" Alex quickly answers.

In the locker room, Eddie looks over at Greg. "How's she doing?" Eddie questions, causing Greg to look up at him and show a small smile. "She's fine. She shot a cop in the line of the duty. She did her job" Greg answers. "And you're saying she's got no reaction, no issues?" Eddie asks confused. "No, I'm saying...You cut me some slack when I had issues. She deserves the same" Greg answers and then closes his locker door and walks out of the room.

"Team One, hot call! Home invasion in process. Units are on their way and it sounds like there's a child on the scene" the new front desk woman announces. "Copy that!" Alex yells as she looks down at Jules. "I will talk to you later?" Alex asks. "Of course!" Jules smiles and Alex runs out of the room towards the garage.


Wordy sits in the passenger side of Alex's SUV and Donna in the back as they speed down the busy streets. "Winnie, let's hear the live feed from the home security. Patch that through" Alex demands. "You got it!" Winnie agrees.

"Cindy!" A female voice screams as a baby cries and someone knocks on a door. "You get out of my house!" Cindy's voice growls frustrated and scared. "I got their car keys" a male voice suddenly states. "Oh my god!" the female voice screams. "Let's get Owen" the male voice demands aggressively. "No, no, we can't do that" the female voice protests. "Andrew? Andrew? Help me!" Cindy's voice cries loudly.

"Less lethal all around. No tasers, no gas. Wait for weapons on my go. And nothing, I repeat, nothing, till we have a twenty on that baby" Eddie explains. "Copy" Alex answers. "Cindy, open the door!" the male voice screams loudly. "Sounds like it's escalating. We gotta move fast on scene, Ed?" Alex questions. "Spike, Louis, approach on black" Eddie answers. "Copy that" Spike says. "Got it" Lou agrees. "Donna, Wordy, You've got white. Shields on everyone" Eddie then states.

"Winnie, sounds to me like the homeowners know who the invaders are. Let's see what the connection is. Why the care for the child?" Greg asks. "Homeowners are Andrew and Cindy Greenwood. Checking for a Terry and Jessie now" Winnie replies.

"The police can hear everything. They're on their way. They're coming....Get away from that!" Cindy's voice screams, and then everything goes quiet. "We just lost audio, folks" Eddie announces.

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