Warped Wasn't Fun

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*The song Fatal fits perfectly with the story*

Nirvana's POV

So Monday's incident, Chris was ticked off but we talked about it so I was better on Tuesday but was shedding tears while singing. We are getting ready to get on stage to perform when I see Ricky kiss Rox. My heart broke into a million little pieces, I still love Ricky, but we are broken up because he cheated. I just couldn't stand them anymore, I can't stand this pain anymore and seeing him with her. I send messages to Ashley, Eva and the guys that I couldn't make it to the show and ran off to the bus.

When I got there I was in tears, I got to the bathroom and got out one of Rickys blades and wrote a note to him 'I can't stand this pain anymore, I had to cut to make me feel better I'm sorry for breaking my promise Ricky' -Nirvana. I cut multiple times even near my morgue cut. I cried and cried but didn't care if I was stained with blood. I packed up all my things "Nirvana!?" I heard TJ's voice boom through the bus "baby girl, why aren't you performing?" he asked hold me tight from behind.

"Ricky and Rox kissed, TJ I can't take this pain anymore, take me to the air port now. I'm going back to scranton" I say sobbing into his chest. We let go of the embrace and he saw the blood "Nirvana why? Come let's get you cleaned up and I'll take you to the airport" he says. After he cleaned me up he helped me finish packing and I left a note for everyone.

I'm sorry for ditching you again, and please forgive me. I still love you guys but it is hard to be with someone you just broke up with and see them with someone else. Yes I still love Ricky and this is why I am leaving, he has Rox now and I don't need to be in their way. Please don't look for me, I'll be fine but I will get in contact in a few days. Thank you for everything, my thankfulness is unpayable. Turtle I'm sorry for everything that is happening bit you are still my best friend and I still love you always remember that! Motionless In White it was a pleasure to work with you and to be best friends with you. I will miss you and I love you.

Lil Horror, Ghost❤

I put the note on the fridge and I taped the bloody blade to Ricky's note and left it in the bathroom. TJ and I exit the bus and went to his rental car and he got his pass to show when he gets back. My purse and phone were the only ones I had in front with me and the rest of my bags in the trunk. I called the airport asking which flight they had back to Scranton right now and I paid over phone. After booking my flight I cried and TJ put a hand on my thigh.

"Thank you Teej, I really appreciate you being here for me, without you I wouldn't know what to do or how to leave right away" I say sighing trying not to cry anymore. "I'm always going to be here for you my little horror, you deserve the best and you shouldn't run away from your problems but I know right now you're hurting. You need time to think and for yourself" he says rubbing my thigh and I smile "I love you TJ" I say "I love you Nirvana" he says.

We got to the airport and TJ helped me with my bags to the check in and he walked me up to the security check. "Thanks so much Teej, I'm going to miss you" I said sobbing and hugging him "baby girl don't cry, I'm going to be here for you always but I need you to be strong and I love you so much keep in touch" he says and we stay in the hug "I will, I gotta go, I love you baby, I'll call you when I get to Scranton" I say and we kissed.

I saw fans taking pictures and heard gasping. We let go and I walked off to my terminal and I sat down, I was so sad and I felt so lonely. I hope my best friend doesn't hate for leaving her so much. A few minutes later I boared the plane and fell asleep. When I landed in Dallas the humidity was at it's worst, I thought I was going to die. I saw the pictures taken of TJ and I from the airport and captions saying 'TJ and Nirvana kissing at Oregon airport is she cheating on Ricky?' and 'I think she's not with Ricky but moved on to TJ' I just groaned and rolled my eyes.

The flight to Scranton was good I got to sleep and rest. I took a taxi back to the bus parking lot, I paid the taxi and I got my keys and bags and put them inside my car and then I drove off to Ashley's and I house. I got home and un packed everything and put the small amount of dirty clothes in the wash, aye I have two of TJ's shirts wtf. Then thats where I decided to text him saying I got to Scranton safely and that two of his shirts got interwined with my clothes. He told me to keep them and I felt bad because I already had four of his shirts.

The rest of the day I watched Halloween movies and pigged out. I decided to skype my beautiful mummy. She answered right away.

Skype Convo

Mum: Hi baby, how are you?

Nirvana: Hi mum, I left Warped, I couldn't stand being near Ricky while he was with Rox so I came back to Scranton. I live with Ashley now. I say scratching the back of my neck.

Mum: Aye baby, it'll get better soon, you're a strong person and tell me what happened that Ricky and you are not together anymore. She said looking serious now she was always a happy person.

Nirvana: Well the day after the party I walked into our room and I saw Ricky and Rox naked on our bed! They had sex he cheated! She accomplished to tear us apart! I said crying.

Mum: Nirvana I'm so sorry baby, I saw you were with TJ getting suggly and warm. She said.

Nirvana: Yeah, we're fuck buddies but we love each toher like friends. But anyway, can I go spend a few days with you? I asked and I giggled.

Mum: Of course you can get a flight tomorrow morning and I'll send my chauffuer to pick you up because I want you to meet someone special. She says blushing and her eyes widening.

Nirvana: Okay, thanks and I'll probably stay for like three or four days. I got to go pack and get my clothes out of the wash to dry. I say waving to the camera.

Mum: Okay precious, I'll see you tomorrow, good night love you! She says.

Nirvana: Good night I love you too bye! I say hanging up the skype.

Now I have to look for some summer clothes for the beach and my swim suit as well. I packed a small suit case that I never used ever in my life, I would always use the big one. I packed my necessities bag and my my carry on bag was my purse so there were my essential things like always. I booked my flight for round trip and an open ended trip just incase I want to stay more days in Florida.

It's night time and I have to sleep because I leave tomorrow early morning like around 5 am. These travels have been clearing my mind and also they have been relaxing even if I have been hopping from plane to plane. Now to sleep good night little Horrors and Ghosts mam loves you.


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