Miami Here I come

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*Wait out the days by Ricky's cover suits the mood for this chapter and also some more to come*

Ricky's POV

Ever since Nirvana has returned from I don't know where, she has changed but there was a glimmer in her eyes. She broke up with me and Rox has been there for me, she's not a bad person to begin with. I just am sad and I'm hurting and to top it off she was with TJ and slept with him when we were broken apart. Now for Warped she left the stage on Monday and today I haven't seen her. I am falling for Rox and yes we have had sex but with Condoms, I don't know why I can't trust to not do it without a condom. I guess Nirvana has been with TJ because I don't see her and we are about to perform we got messages saying that she couldn't make it to the show.

"We gotta go on without her" Chris said sighing, shrugging and shaking his head the other guys were sad for her not to perform with us. After the show we did a signing and went back to the bus there was a note and Chris is going to read it out loud.

I'm sorry for ditching you again, and please forgive me. i still love you guys but it's hard to be with someone you just broke up with and see them with someone else. Yes I still love Ricky and this is why I am leaving, he has Rox now and I don't need to be in their way. Please don't look for me, I'll be fine but I will get in contact in a few days. Thank you for everyrhing, my thankfulness is unpayable. Turtle I'm sorry for everything that is happening but you are still my best friend and I still love you always remember that! Motionless In White it was a pleasure to work with you and to be best friends with you. I will miss you and I love you.

Lil Horror, Ghost❤

She is leaving? I can't believe that! "Nirvana! Nirv please!" I yelled through out the bus "Nirvana!" I yell going into the bathroom and finding a note on the sink with a blood blade taped to it, it was mine and it read...

'I can't stand this pain anymore, I had to cut to make me feel better I'm sorry for breaking my promise Ricky.' -Nirvana

"What the fuck!" I yelled and the guys came in running "what happened?" Chris asked worriedly "she self harmed again, I need to find her" I say. Grabbing both notes and running out of the bus "Nirvana!" I yelled running every where "Nirv!" I yelled looking for her "Rick! Ricky!" I heard Karina yell my name out and I turned "what happened?" she asked "Nirvana, I think she left, have you seen her?" I asked her quickly "no, calm down let me see what you have in your hand. Eva, Ash Nirvana is missing again and look Ricky has notes from her" Karina says.

The three girls read the notes and I was still panting and crying. "She did leave, I believe, we'll help look for her don't worry. And I know she is trying not to hurt me or the girls by not bringing us into this thats why she aplogized" Eva said and I saw Rox and fans heading our way. Eva and the girls went back to the stand to help out the fans. "Baby, have you seen Nirvana?" I asked Rox as she kissed my lips "no babe and I swear I've been a good girl, I haven't bothered her. Is she missing?" she asked sincere and I nodded getting panicked.

"Is Nirvana missing?" a fan asked, Rox and I turned to her "yes, have you seen her?" I asked her and she nodded. "The last time I saw her was with TJ going out of this whole area like going to the city or something" she said scratching her sweaty head. "Okay thank you" I said hugging her giving her my shirt and an autograph I also took a picture with her and kissed her cheek. Now to talk with TJ.... I talked to him saying that he walked in on Nirvana packing and her bleeding from her wrists and he took her to the airport so she can go back to Scranton. He said he was sorry. I just left to my bunk telling everyone crying and sleeping the night away and shooing away Rox. I can't believe she left.

Nirvana's POV

I get up take a quick shower and get dressed. I let my hair air dry and tied it, I checked into the airport and ran to my terminal before missing my flight. I got to Tennesse and I did my makeup there at the bathroom and I boared my flight to Florida. When I arrived it was 10 am, I claimed my baggage and went to look for my mum's chauffer. He held up a sign that said my name on it and he helped me with my bags. He took me to my mum's penthouse that supposely has two rooms. He showed me around and we got my room and he left. There was a note on my bed saying to meet up at the restaurant CVI. CHE 105 and the directions were in the back.

I dressed in a black heart shaped dress and my black stockings with my high top converse. I did my hair and put on my glasses. Yes I wear glasses. And I put on some jewlery and I headed to the restaurant, it felt weird being droven by a chauffer. When I got there my mum was there with someone there. It was a male and he was African American.

I got to the table "hi mum" I say hugging her "hi my love, I want you to meet someone" she said and I nodded "this is my boyfriend Tyrese Gibson yes his name is just like actor from Fast and the Furious" she said blushing. I shook his hand "nice to meet you I'm Nirvana Veil" I say smiling shyly "nice to meet you" he said and we sat down. As we ate we made coversation and saw Tyrese looking at my cuts "are you, um you do it?" he asked as he motioned to his wrist and I look down "used to, I have a huge vertical cut that is stitched up because I tried killing myself it's called morgue. I have mental disorders and an eating disorder but I'm fine now" I said as it got awkward "good, so Nirvana what are going to study?" he asked "Graphic Design, I want to work for a magazine company called Alternative Press, they're located in Ohio" I say "thats cool, why don't you study like what your mom is working for?" and I was just in awe did he just suggest me to do something I don't want to do?

"My job will also consist of traveling and I also know a lot of bands and I could work for them and travel the world, I have lots of contacts. I worked with my ex-boyfriend in his band and I also sang with the front man for their band Motionless In White." I say and finish my food "that's great! You said Motionless In White? Aren't they in Warped tour right now?" he asked and my eyes got teary "yes, they are and I just came from over there, we just broke up" I said through gritted teeth. "I just paid the check and I have to be going back to the office I have a meeting soon" my mum said nervously "I have to go back and unpack and I want to go to the beach I'll see you when you get home right mum?" I asked her and she nodded "I'll be home for dinner so you and Tyrese can know not to be waiting for me" she said. He's living with her! Fuck. "I have to go, didn't expect him to be so so nosy!" I said angirly "and I didn't expect you to be such an immature suicidal emo" Tyrese said angry as well "Ty! What the fuck!? Why would you say that to my princess? Next time this shit happens we are done!" my mum excalimed as I left running and Tyrese running after me.

"Nirvana I didn't mean to say that I'm sorry, Noel, please drive us to the penthouse" he says and I get in the passengers seat and he gets in the back and I rolled up the back window so I couldn't hear him talking.


Nirvana's dress

Nirvana's dress

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