Goodbye For Good Scranton

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Nirvana's POV

I just finished school! Yay! I am now able to work for Alternative Press and I already put in an application to work there. I also am looking for apartments over in Ohio, I finished a year and half early. Now Rick and I are friends with benefits even if we still have strong feelings for each other. So I haven't told anyone but I will soon that I will be going to my graduation in Florida within a few months and I'll be leaving to Ohio after that. Right now I am on the phone with Alternative Press about an interview and then I will have an appointment for an appartment after my interview.

Ricky's POV

I just got back with Jaime but am friends with benefits with Nirvana or lovers. Jaime doesn't know and Nirvana doesn't know that I am with Nirvana sexually. I am enjoying Nirvana right now before she leaves to Ohio if she gets hired at Alternative Press. I am so proud of Nirvana finishing school a year and half early and getting her Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design. She hasn't talked with her mum in about 3 and half years I wonder of she is going to visit her soon. Yes I am tied down but I still like to have fun with my friends and Nirvana.

A Few Months Later

Nirvana's POV

I just came back from getting my apartment in Ohio and my last interview at Alternative Press...I am finishing packing to leave and I already told everyone that I am leaving to my graduation and to Ohio. Everyone is so happy and excited and I get to see my mum in that weekend. Ash is throwing me a farewell party tomorrow because I leave tomorrow in the middle of the night. I finished the last thing I needed to pack and I went to shower and to go to sleep. Good night little Horrors and Ghosts mama loves you.

I wake up early to put my stuff in my car and went back inside to see what there was to eat. I ate Special K again hehe but I really like this cereal. Ash started decorating the whole house and I helped her as well. We started getting ready and I was nervous to recieve everyone besides Karina because she went to study abroad from some college in Texas. I'm going to miss my best friend more like my sister because I am used to having her by my side always and I'm going to cry and have a hard time.

Ricky's POV

Today is the day that Nirvana leaves and that we go to her farewell party. I hope Jaime and her don't notice that I love them both and are talking to both. I am nervous and we are getting ready to go to the party.

Eva's POV

I'm going to miss my sister, this is going to be an forever thing. When she first moved to San Diego I missed her so much and now I have Ryan and I guess I will focus more on him than being with Nirvana. It's going to be weird without her. Ry and I are getting ready for her farewell party. I hope nothing bad happens because I have a feeling in my gut that something will happen.

Nirvana's POV

It's time. Ash and I made sure everything was in order and Vinny helped us as well. He's such a great friend. Everyone barged in and we all said hi and everyone congradulated me and told me that they were sad that I am leaving. We all ate and played some truth or dare and danced. I went to go get something to drink in the kitchen and I see Ricky "baby, I'm going to miss you so much" he said and we started kissing. "Ricky" I heard Jaime gasp "Jaime baby its not what it looks like" Ricky said following her out of the kitchen and I follow them as well.

"Oh really Rick you were sucking her face off" she said "so you were two timing us Rick" I said and tears escaping my eyes "Jaime I had no idea, I swear" I told Jaime "it's okay don't worry and Rick it's over! I don't want anything to do with you anymore! Goodbye!" Jaime yelled and left my house. "I can't believe you, you know what I am leaving right now, I hate you Ricky! I don't want to know anything about you anymore either!" I said and collected my stuff and said bye to everyone. I drove off heading to Florida texting my mum that I will arrive earlier than my usual date. I called the person that I haven't talked to in forever I hope he doesn't hate me for that. "Nirv?" he asked "hey um I am on my way to Florida due to my college graduation and I am inviting you and after grad I am moving to Ohio, where are you?" I asked him "I am taking a break from music and if you don't mind can I live with you and I want to start a new life with you if you want" he said and I smiled "of course, I'll send you the address to show up at and I'll tell my mum that you'll be staying with us before we leave" I said "yeah of course thank you baby girl, see you soon" he said and we hung up.

Jaime's POV

I can't believe this happened with Ricky now I am going to live with my mom. I am going to give Jesse the chance to date me because everyone deserves a chance at love. I feel bad for Nirvana as well since we didnt know that we were being played by Rick.

Two Days And Half Later

Nirvana's POV

TJ texted me saying that he is here. "Yeepp!" I squealed getting off the couch "what's up with you?" my mum asked "TJ is here! So don't be weird and he's my boyfriend" I said and I opened the door and I saw him walking towards me. "Hi my love" I smiled "hi baby girl, how are you?" he asked "good, how was your trip? Do you want something to eat?" I asked him "yes please I want to eat, shower and rest" he says and I introduce Tyrese and my mum to him. While we ate I told him that my graduation is tomorrow and we'd be leaving Sunday morning.

I told my mum that TJ will be living with me in Ohio. She was happy and we caught up as TJ caught up on sleep. I then showered and went to my room to change and TJ was asleep on my bed. When I was about to lay down he was all over the bed "TJ move over babe" I said and he scooted over and I was able to cuddle up with him "I love you Nirvana" he said I love you Teej" I say as darkness pulled over me. Good night little Horrors and Ghosts mama loves you.


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