Love Triangle

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*Whatever Don't Push The Eed Button fits perfectly with this chapter and more to come*

Ricky's POV

I wake up from a peaceful sleep and I see that I am rolled up like a cinnamon bun with the duvet. My phone is on the night stand and Dexter is not next to me anymore. I wonder if Jaime got home from work or went over to her mom's house. As I wonder through the rooms I see her in a guest room asleep wondering why she fell asleep there, I went to get clothes to shower and make her breakfast. I felt so well rested and energized I started listening to HIM  getting inside my warm steamy shower.

After my shower I dressed and went downstairs to start breakfast. I did something simple, eggs, bacon and toast. I then set two plates, cups and some silver ware for Jaime and I hoping she will wake up soon.

Jaime's POV

I wake up to the smell of food since I didn't have any dinner last night. I really don't want to see Ricky but I have to confront him and talk to him about his feelings and those pictures of Nirvana on his phone. I got up from the bed and freshened up, I didn't care if I was wearing yesterday's clothes. I walked downstairs walking into the kitchen seeing the cutie making breakfast. No Jaime calm down you guys need to talk before we flirt and be lovey dovey.

I poured orange juice in my cup and I did the same for Ricky's just to be polite. "Good morning my beautiful lady" he said cheerily "good morning" I said sighing and start eating my food "what's wrong love? You are a little quiet today" Ricky said concerned. "I do have something, and it's trust in my boyfriend" I paused "Ricky what are all those pictures of Nirvana on your phone?" I ask him "oh um, we were at Corner Bakery and I was showing her how cool her hair looks with the new color she has and that her roots are not showing yet" he says a little nervously "well okay, but Rick do you still have feelings for her? And be honest because we tell each other everything" I say carefully.

"Okay I am going to be honest, Nirvana is my friend now but yes I do have some feelings for her. But Jaime I love you! I don't love her as much as I love you" he said "okay, I don't mind you being friends with her but there are limits Richard, you are borderlined" I say sternly to him "then if you mess up then you are going to have to choose even if that is not right and its going to hurt me" I continue. "Okay I total understand, but come to bed at night with me please?" he asked "no Ricky it's best if we sleep in seperate rooms for now" I say finishing my breakfast and putting my plate in the sink "I am going to go visit my mom and I'll be back after dinner and don't wait up for me" I say and go upstairs to get ready.

Ricky's POV

I think I just messed up my relationship but I want to be with Nirvana, I still have feelings for her and they're strong. Yes I do love Jaime because she got me out of my depression I was in but I don't love her as much as I love Nirvana. I wash the dishes and Jaime leaves the house to go with her mom and I need to see Nirvana, talking with her makes me feel better. I grab my jacket, phone and keys and head out of my house to Nirvana's to see what she's up to.

Nirvana's POV

I wake up to moaning so I go to the wall near my door and I banged on it "quiet down please people are trying to get some peace and sleep here!" I yell. I went to get clothes to shower and get something to eat. My shower was refreshing and so good that I didn't want to get out of the water but I had to eventually. I changed then I went into my room to apply my makeup then blow dry my hair and straighten it. I went to the kitchen and ate Special K cereal cuz I am a woman. I then went to my room to get my things ready to do homework and get on to attend my class when the door bell ring. "I'll get it!" I yelled waltzing through the living room.

I opened the door and there stood Ricky. "Good morning beautiful" Ricky said making me blush "good morning handsome Ricky" I said smiling at him "come on in, would you like something to eat or drink?" I asked him. "No I am okay thank you, but I came to ask you if you were busy and if you wanted to hang out?" he asked as I sat next to him on the couch "I was just going to do homework, but I like to hang out is it okay if I do some homework and attend my class first then we'll do something afterwards?" I ask him and he smiled "yeah of course, you want to go to Corner Bakery?" he asked and I smiled.

"Yes, let me just tell Ash and get my stuff" I say getting up and getting my purse and my school things. "Ash! I am going to Corner Bakery with Ricky and then we are doing something afterwards so I won't be back after dinner!" I yell banging on her door "okay! Have fun!" is all I heard her say. I went back to the living room "ready to go?" I ask Ricky and he stood up "yeah let's go and I'll drive" he says. I put on my jacket, grab my house keys and my phone and we were out.

I finished my homework and we came to the movies after we ate at Corner Bakery. We are going to watch Rings  because I really wanted to go see it. As we sit down in out seats in the middle of the theater I smile at Ricky, I feel the exact same way when we went on our first date to the fair but less nervous of course. As I watched the movie it became intresting and the guy from the Big Bang Theroy comes out in this movie. How cool. Ricky puts his arm around me and I suggle up to him a little since I am cold. I hardly get scared in movies but this time I was holding onto Ricky and of course when the sex scene comes on Ricky and I kissed.

We had a mini makeout session that was about to get heated but instead we pulled back. The rest of the movie was intresting but at the end it was sad because the death of the guy. The movie ended and we exited and got inside the car "the movie was so good" I say putting on my seat belt "yes it was, you want to go for some coffee?" Ricky asked and I nodded smiling at him. After we finished our coffee Ricky send me all the pictures we took and they were a lot. He took me home and I honestly didn't want this day to end. I had so much fun.

"Home sweet home" Ricky says turning off the car "yeah, I had such a great time thank you. I really needed a little distraction" I said smiling at him "no problem I'm always going to be here for you" he said "me too" I respond I then let my horomones get the best of me since I didn't ignore them. I kissed Ricky missing his lips on mine and his cold rings touching my lips. I took off my seat belt and straddled Ricky and making the seat go back even further. I grinded on his semi hard cock and tangling my fingers into his jet black hair. I moaned into the kiss as he held me by my ass "touch me Ricky" I said and he went for my breasts.

He massaged them as we kissed and I grinded on his now hard rock cock. Ricky moved his hand down to my jeans and rubbed me in between my legs and I moaned into the heated kiss. He removed my jacket and I unzipped his roaming my hands all over him and I rubbed him through his jeans. We were moaning loudly and I went to kiss his neck and I didn't want to mark him too much because we are not suppose to be doing this because he's with Jaime. I bet he marked me real good and I gave him a small one on his neck and on his shoulder I gave him bigger ones and down his chest I marked him real good. He took off my shirt and kept marking me with hickeys "I missed you so much Ricky" I moaned "I love you Nirvana, I missed you too" he said coming up to kiss my lips. I leaned back and honked and we laughed "it's best if I leave, I had a great time and if you are not doing anything we can hang out again tomorrow" I say putting on my shirt and my jacket. He smiled "yeah of course I'll text you, good night, I love you" he says and I kiss him "good night I love you too" I said.

I get out of the car all flustered. I go into my room to put my stuff down and connect my phone to my mini printer and start printing out the pictures we took today. I changed into my pjs and I look in my mirror, he marked me good and dark. I love Ricky and I will always love him. Now to sleep good night little Horrors and Ghosts mama loves you.


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