Welcome Back To Motionless

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Nirvana's POV

I just got to Scranton and I texted the girls, they were excited and they had a surprise for me. I literally self mentally prepared myself to see Ricky and Jaime together because I know they're happy together and she is a very nice girl. I love the winter here in Scranton, I missed the cold weather and now I could put on some leggings and a sweater or jacket without being hot and start semi sweating. I got to Ashley's house that now I am going to have to call my home since I miss living with Rick and with Jaime. I also texted my Pierce The Veil family that I got back home safely.

I got off my car and unlocked the door to my house and everyone jumped up and said surprise. "Welcome home Lil Horror" Chirs said as he hugged me "aweee guys your so sweet you didn't have to do this" I said blushing. "We wanted to because we missed you a lot, but we still see you still have pale ass skin" Ryan said and we all chuckled "thanks and yeah I actually missed the Scranton weather" I say smiling and walk over to say hi to everyone. "Hi Ricky" I said "Hi Nirvana" he responded by hugging me "this is my girlfriend Jaime, Jaime this is my ex or now friend Nirvana" he said and I think it felt awkward when he said ex. She hugged me "nice to meet you" we said at the same time and we giggled "how are you guys?" I asked them both "we're good and happy" Jaime said and I smiled "thats good, have you gone on tour with Motionless yet?" I asked her "not yet but this next tour I am for a few days" she responded.

I nodded "can I have everyone's attention please?" Chris said loudly "I want to announce that since we are going on tour with in a week, I want Nirvana to know she is still part of our family and that she is always been hired for our band and will always have her postion open to sing and help us out!" Chris said loudly and I just couldn't thank him enough. "Thank you Chris, you're the best!" I said hugging him "don't thank me, I love you like a little sister and I do this because we love you" he said and I giggled. "Yo we have chicken wings and chocolate cake!" Ashley announced and all the Motionless guys attacked the chicken wings. We all just laughed and served ourselves.

After the welcoming party we all helped to clean up, Ashley and Vinny helped me bring down my stuff to my room and I told them that I would unpack in the morning. They went to her room and I went to shower, after my shower I heard moans coming from her room. Oh satan please don't make me an aunt yet and I laughed to myself. Seeing Ricky today didn't hurt me at all it actually made me happy that he looked so happy. Now to try to sleep, good night little Horrors and Ghosts mama loves you.

The Following Week

I wake up to my ugly alarm ringing. So I turned to my side to turn it off but when I opened my eyes it was Vinny making ugly noises. "Chenzo! What the fuck are you doing here! Get out of my room!" I yelled hitting him with my pillows and chasing after him. "Oh Vinny why would you do that? Now get ready tour starts today!" Ash yelled and we ran to get ready. In no time the bus was parked in the drive way and we were running out the door trying to put on our sweaters. We entered the bus but I ended up triping on the last step and I fell "holy shit are you alright?" Ricky asked picking me up "yeah, I'm fine, it's just a little blood nothing too serious" I said smiling at him.

He nodded "Olson! What did you do to my sister!?" Eva yelled startling Ricky and I snickered. He sat me down on the couch and Eva sat next to me "what happened?" she asked "I tripped on the last step and I fell cutting my arm on the floor" I explain and see Ricky coming back with a first aid kit. He cleaned up my cut and put a bandage over it and the bus took off to it's destination. "Ladies and gentlemen please enjoy this ride because there are many good things to happen within a few weeks" Chris said kicking off the tour with his motivational speech.

Of course we were going to go get breakfast when we arrived then unpack and do sound check. And yes we did the exact same thing, I was so happy to be back on tour with Motionless. It's going to be so much fun. As we got ready for the show I saw everyone give their girlfriends and boyfriends good luck kisses and I just did my own thing like drink a Rockstar and do 10 jump ups to get the adrenaline going. I saw the guys coming up to me and they all gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and we ran on stage.

Our set list was LOUD, Rats, Devil's Night, Unstoppable, America, 570, Eternally Yours and Reincarnate. We started to sing America and Ricky gave me this sexy look but I thought he gave it to Jaime but she wasn't near the stage watching. Fuck. "And I'm living a one big nightmare, the ugly truth has a model face, making saints out of useless pop stars, where's the intelligence?" I sang along with Chris and danced sexily "A-M-E-R-I-C-A, home of the free the sick and depraved" I sang twice and Ricky came up to me and bumped bodies with me. Well this is going to be a long night.

The show went great and I just finished helping the crew members pack up. I go inside the bus and there is no one in the living area just Ricky. So I sit next to him "great show Ricky" I say complementing him. "Thanks you too, you were great out there" he says smiling to me "thanks" I say because its a little awkward "can I ask you something?" he says "sure, anything" I respond getting nervous "can we be friends? So we don't have to act awkward towards each other, I'm always going to be here for you no matter what" he says "deal, I mean I do need someone to talk to when the others are not around. Friends?" I ask "friends" he responds and we hug even if we are sweaty and gross. What have I just done, I hope I don't get hurt again.


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