It's only just the start of something new

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"JENNY!" I yelled as she fell off the CORE edge, I fell to my knees crying. "The only person I loved ended her life, she is gone." I walked up to King Asgore's place and knocked on the door. King Asgore opened it "Oh hello Gaster I didn't expect you to be here at this hour, what do you need?" King Asgore said and I looked down at the ground, my voice slightly shook. "Jenny is gone."

I said as Asgore backed up a bit, Asgore shook his head "Well maybe she finally figured out that a monster and human can't get together."Asgore said with sass, I looked up at Asgore, shocked at what he just said and slapped him "AT LEAST I DON'T HURT INNOCENT HUMANS." I said as I stormed away. I walked into my dull house and sat on the couch. My shoulders shook as I cried my heart out. The love of my life is gone because of me, the only thing I have to remember her of are pictures.


I was asleep at my desk, God being the royal scientist was hard. I felt a slight tap on my arm and sat up. Alphys stood in front of me and said "Sir-r! The weapo- I mean experiments are done."Alphys said in a nervous and happy tone at the same time. "Will you please get them ready for questioning?"I said as I groaned, Alphys nodded and she walked away to the experiment pods to get Papyrus and Sans.

~Time skip brought to you by Toriel slapping the shit out of Asgore~

I walked into the questioning room as I sat in front of Papyrus and Sans. "Hello I am Dr. W.D Gaster the royal scientist, but you may just call me Gaster. Do you have any questions before I go on?"I said in a calm tone. Papyrus hovered his arm over Sans' head, he was questioning why Sans was so short. "It is just how he was made." I respond as I went on with questions for Papyrus and Sans. A couple minutes later,
Alphys opened the door "Doctor-r! The person who would watch Papyrus and Sans had quit at the last moment, I am sorry-y.." Alphys said as I groaned "I guess I will watch them. Alphys you may go home, you have done enough."I replied as Alphys nodded as she packed her things and left. I directed Papyrus and Sans to my house.
This will only be for about a month before they get a better place I thought as I opened the door. I showed Papyrus and Sans to their rooms for now.

~ A couple hours pass by~

I sat at my table of work as a crash could be heard from Sans' room.

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