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I was asleep in my clean old house on the couch. My face was covered in the hood of my black trench coat, and I was getting use to my new hairstyle. The thoughts of my past played through my mind and I cried in my sleep.


I haven't slept, eat, or do much since Malorie went 'missing'. She must be alive but where....I thought about all that had happened over the span of the months I have met her. Sky kicked the door open "I KNOW WHERE SHE IS." Sky said as she sprinted up the steps to Sans and Papyrus, they were talking. Papyrus shook her "WHERE SKY?" Paps said as Sky's sky blue scarf draped down. Sammy stood in the doorway "Why not we go look instead of shaking the shit out of my sister?" Sammy said.
I got up and pulled on Sky's scarf "Please help me Skylar." (OH GOD THE FULL NAME) I said as tears formed around my eyes. Sky sprinted down the steps and outside. I followed, along with everybody else. Sky stood in front Malorie's old house and kicked the door open. Malorie quickly teleported down in a secret area to her bedroom there. (OHHHHH SECRETS)

I looked everywhere as Grillby gave up and sat on the couch. I sniffle the smell of Malorie with my  nose. I kicked the door opened to the guest room and moved the fake book. It opened to the secret area. Sammy and I sprinted down the stairs to see Malorie asleep on her bed. I flipped her over as a blood stain was from her mouth down to her neck. I panicked and picked her up, sprinting up the steps with Sammy still following. "I found her but we have to get to the lab." I said panicking, Grillby looked up with a worried look on his face. Sans teleported all of us  to the lab and I laid her on the bed. I looked at pale Malorie, worried. Grillby sat in a seat, he slightly cried to himself.


A recording/tape fell out of Malorie's trench coat pocket and Sky picked it up, putting it in the player. Everybody looked up at the screen.


It started with Gaster and Jenny at their wedding, everybody was happy except for Grillby because that fire ball use to like Jenny but Gaster won her over. Oh well they could still be friends. The recording would show the ups and downs of the relationship(I am too lazy, picture what had happened)

It then when to a young Malorie standing on Sky's and Sammy's doorstep, cold and wet from the rain. Malorie was crying as Sky opened the door, Sky picked Malorie up wrapping a towel around her.

Sammy stood there with his arms crossed as his tail slightly moved back and forth "Sky, put it back." Sammy said in a serious tone but Sky did puppy eyes. Sammy threw his arms up in the air, he gave in to Sky's puppy eyes.

The flashback would then cut to Sky trying to feed Malorie. Sky pouted "Come on Malorie eat, you don't want to starve." Sky said, slightly pissed off. Sammy walked over to Sky and grabbed the spoon. "Let me try Sky." Sammy said as he succeeded in feeding Malorie. Sky got up, arms crossed and walked to her room. Sammy laughed "Oh so you don't like it when I beat you in something I see." Sammy said between laughs.

Then it cut to the last flashback, Sky walking Malorie down the golden judgment hall. Sammy slightly cried and Malorie looked back at him "Don't cry kitty, I will miss you." Malorie said as she walked away.
When Sky and Sammy got back to their place, Sammy was a emotional mess and the scene faded away.


Grillby had to go to work, he looked at Malorie and left.


I felt a pain shoot up my arms as I woke up. I laid there, remembering what had happened before. Then Sans and Paps hugged me. "I am okay-y." I said pulling away. Sky looked at her watch "SHEET WE ARE LATE." Sky said as she dragged Sammy away "TALK TO YOU LATER MALORIE." Sky said and I laughed.

Paps jumped up "I will tell everybody you are found, since I'm going to hang out with Undyne." He said and Sans, I waved bye.

The War Zone of Life [UNDERTALE BASED STORY] Where stories live. Discover now